C# 基于其他属性更改正则表达式和错误消息

C# 基于其他属性更改正则表达式和错误消息,c#,asp.net-mvc,C#,Asp.net Mvc,在下面的分部类中,我有一个属性Amount和一个RegularExpression属性。这是因为它将字段中的值限制为小数点后2位。但是,“金额”字段有多个位置,小数位数因使用位置而异。CategoryId确定要显示的小数位数。是否有方法基于类CategoryId中的另一个属性更改小数位数限制和ErrorMessage 下面是部分类: [MetadataType(typeof(CS_Parameter_Statewide_AllGrades_ScenarioMetaData))] public p



public partial class CS_Parameter_Statewide_AllGrades_Scenario
    public int Category { get; set; }

    public class CS_Parameter_Statewide_AllGrades_ScenarioMetaData
        [RegularExpression(@"^\d+.\d{0,2}$", ErrorMessage = "Price can't have more than 2 decimal places")]
        public double Amount { get; set; }


        @for (int i = 0; i < Model.AllGradesParamList.Count; i++)
                    @Model.CategoryList.Where(x => x.Id == Model.AllGradesParamList[i].CategoryId).Select(x => x.Name).FirstOrDefault()
                    @Html.HiddenFor(model => Model.AllGradesParamList[i].CategoryId)
                    @Html.TextBoxFor(x => Model.AllGradesParamList[i].Amount, Model.Format(Model.AllGradesParamList[i].Amount, Model.AllGradesParamList[i].CategoryId))
                    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => Model.AllGradesParamList[i].Amount)



public class Awesome : IValidatableObject {

    public Int32 Id { get; set; }

    public String Whatever { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
        // Perform validation checks...
        // If 'valid' return <null>,
        // and if not, populate the ValidationResult list and return that.
        // The validationContext.ObjectInstance contains what you need, if you
        // cast it properly (see my next example).


public class MyValidator {

    public static ValidationResult ValidateThis(String value, ValidationContext context) {
        var awesome = context.ObjectInstance as Awesome;
        if(awesome == null)
            throw new InstanceNotFoundException(
                "This validator only works with an Awesome instance.");

        var id = awesome.Id;

        // Do your thing here, like run a dynamic regular expression match
        // based on the value of 'id'.

        return ValidationResult.Success;
对我来说,这段代码并不完美——我不喜欢它假设ObjectInstance是一种特定类型(可能是上下文)。ObjectInstance as IAwesome稍微好一点,所以我可能不建议使用它,但它确实存在


public class MyValidator {

    public static ValidationResult ValidateThis(String value, ValidationContext context) {
        var awesome = context.ObjectInstance as Awesome;
        if(awesome == null)
            throw new InstanceNotFoundException(
                "This validator only works with an Awesome instance.");

        var id = awesome.Id;

        // Do your thing here, like run a dynamic regular expression match
        // based on the value of 'id'.

        return ValidationResult.Success;