
C#控制反转-获取所有实例化基类的类,c#,inversion-of-control,C#,Inversion Of Control,我在一些程序中见过这个,但我不知道它叫什么。基本上,他们将参加各种课程: 第一类 类别2 类别3 每个类都有一个变量,可能称为顺序或步骤号: [IClassBaseRunner] public Class1 : IClassBase { public int step{ get { return 10; } } ... [IClassBaseRunner] public Class1 : IClassBase { public int step{ get { return 30






public Class1 : IClassBase
    public int step{ get { return 10; } }

public Class1 : IClassBase
    public int step{ get { return 30; } }

public Class1 : IClassBase
    public int step{ get { return 20; } }

public Class4 : IClassBase





此外,Structure Map和MEF是其他流行的依赖项注入库,您可以尝试使用它们,看看哪些最适合您

static IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();
void Main()
    // Automatic binding using 
    // Ninject.Extensions.Conventions
    // Generally, you only want to declare your
    // DI container once in the application lifetime
    // Expecially in web apps, you will also need to 
    // consider the scope of bound classes, such as:
    //   Transient, Thread, Singleton, or Request
    // Now we can resolve the loader and run it
    // Compare this code to how it would look if you
    // manually instantiate all the dependencies and consider:
    // - How much additional code is there?
    // - How easy is it to perform unit tests on the various
    //   components (Mocking is useful here)?
    // - What is the effort if I need to swap out a service
    //   such as IMessageWriter?
    // IMPORTANT: For example only. Do not use kernel.Get()
    // all over your code base.
    // This results in a ServiceLocator anti-pattern! 
    ProcessRunner runner = kernel.Get<ProcessRunner>();

public interface IMessageWriter{
    void Write(string message);

public class MessageWriter : IMessageWriter
    public void Write(string message){
        Console.WriteLine ("MESSAGE: {0}", message);

public interface IProcessStep {
    int Step{ get; }
    void Execute();

public class ProcessRunner
    private readonly IEnumerable<IProcessStep> steps;
    public ProcessRunner(IEnumerable<IProcessStep> steps)
        this.steps = steps;     

    public void Execute(){
            .OrderBy (o => o.Step)
public class ProcessStep1 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep1(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 10; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step1!");      
public class ProcessStep2 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep2(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 20; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step2!");  
public class ProcessStep3 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep3(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 30; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step3!");  




此外,Structure Map和MEF是其他流行的依赖项注入库,您可以尝试使用它们,看看哪些最适合您

static IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel();
void Main()
    // Automatic binding using 
    // Ninject.Extensions.Conventions
    // Generally, you only want to declare your
    // DI container once in the application lifetime
    // Expecially in web apps, you will also need to 
    // consider the scope of bound classes, such as:
    //   Transient, Thread, Singleton, or Request
    // Now we can resolve the loader and run it
    // Compare this code to how it would look if you
    // manually instantiate all the dependencies and consider:
    // - How much additional code is there?
    // - How easy is it to perform unit tests on the various
    //   components (Mocking is useful here)?
    // - What is the effort if I need to swap out a service
    //   such as IMessageWriter?
    // IMPORTANT: For example only. Do not use kernel.Get()
    // all over your code base.
    // This results in a ServiceLocator anti-pattern! 
    ProcessRunner runner = kernel.Get<ProcessRunner>();

public interface IMessageWriter{
    void Write(string message);

public class MessageWriter : IMessageWriter
    public void Write(string message){
        Console.WriteLine ("MESSAGE: {0}", message);

public interface IProcessStep {
    int Step{ get; }
    void Execute();

public class ProcessRunner
    private readonly IEnumerable<IProcessStep> steps;
    public ProcessRunner(IEnumerable<IProcessStep> steps)
        this.steps = steps;     

    public void Execute(){
            .OrderBy (o => o.Step)
public class ProcessStep1 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep1(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 10; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step1!");      
public class ProcessStep2 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep2(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 20; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step2!");  
public class ProcessStep3 : IProcessStep
    private readonly IMessageWriter writer;
    public ProcessStep3(IMessageWriter writer)
        this.writer = writer;       
    public int Step { get { return 30; }}
    public void Execute(){
        writer.Write("Hello from step3!");  