C# 如何使用模型选择选项?

C# 如何使用模型选择选项?,c#,javascript,jquery,asp.net-mvc,C#,Javascript,Jquery,Asp.net Mvc,我对此一无所知 我有一个模型: public class Filter { public string No { get; set; } public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } public string FilterStatus { get; set; } } 在我看来,我还有第二件事: <select id="status" name="status" style="width: 120px;font-size: 0.9



public class Filter
    public string No { get; set; }

    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }

    public string FilterStatus { get; set; }

<select id="status" name="status" style="width: 120px;font-size: 0.9em; padding: 0;" class="k-dropdown">
    <option>-- Select --</option>


@model Filter

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.FilterStatus, new SelectList(
    new List<SelectListItem> { 
        new SelectListItem { Text = "Yes", Value = "Yes" },
        new SelectListItem { Text = "No", Value = "No" }  
    }, "Value", "Text"), 
    "--- Select Option ---", new { @class = "k-dropdown" })

ViewBag.Status = new List<SelectListItem>(){
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "Yes",
        Text = "Yes",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus  //If your status is Yes this will be true 
                                            //otherwise false.
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "No",
        Text = "No",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus  //If your status is No this will be true 
                                            //otherwise false.
//Don't create this class on the controller! This is only as an example.
public class FilterViewModel {
   public bool Status {get; set;}
   public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> statusDropDown {get; set;}

var myViewModel = new FilterViewModel();
myViewModel.statusDropDown = new List<SelectListItem>(){
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "Yes",
        Text = "Yes",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "No",
        Text = "No",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus

return View(myViewModel);


ViewBag.Status = new List<SelectListItem>(){
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "Yes",
        Text = "Yes",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus  //If your status is Yes this will be true 
                                            //otherwise false.
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "No",
        Text = "No",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus  //If your status is No this will be true 
                                            //otherwise false.
//Don't create this class on the controller! This is only as an example.
public class FilterViewModel {
   public bool Status {get; set;}
   public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> statusDropDown {get; set;}

var myViewModel = new FilterViewModel();
myViewModel.statusDropDown = new List<SelectListItem>(){
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "Yes",
        Text = "Yes",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus
     new SelectListItem
        Value = "No",
        Text = "No",
        Selected = yourFilter.FilterStatus

return View(myViewModel);

为什么不使用@Html.DropdownForso正确绑定?我还在控制器中使用FormCollection。我想我不能从下拉列表中发送数据。我也是mvc的新手。编辑您的问题并输入完整的代码,这样我们就可以了解情况,即控制器类和动作方法代码mvc部分,因为IMO FormCollection仅在其http POST和动作方法中使用感谢您的快速回答,但我还有一个补充。也许听起来很愚蠢,但是,它将如何工作?我的意思是,现在从我的下拉列表中选择的用于FormCollection。正如我所看到的,这个版本不能像那样使用。当然可以,但是为什么要使用FormCollection而不是您的模型,这样它就已经绑定了,例如[HttpPost]公共操作结果YourActionFilter模型{…它可以?如何?例如,现在我使用collection[status]来获取选中的选项,但是需要id,或者我可以做一些类似于new的事情{@class=k-dropdown,@Id=status}?HttpPost…这就是原因。现在将尝试它。检查示例添加了一些更改,但此示例几乎可以正常工作。谢谢。