Datetime 我可以将时区文件从RHEL 6.6复制到RHEL 6.5吗?

Datetime 我可以将时区文件从RHEL 6.6复制到RHEL 6.5吗?,datetime,redhat,Datetime,Redhat,我正在运行两台服务器,一台是RHEL 6.6,另一台是6.5,我已经将两台服务器上的时区都改为“澳大利亚/悉尼” 但是当我发出date命令时 RHEL 6.5显示为2015年东部时间xx:xx:xx RHEL 6.6显示为xx:xx:ss AEDT 2015 问题是两台服务器显示的时间相同,但区域不同,我希望两台服务器上都显示“AEDT” 我可以将时区文件**/use/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney从RHEL 6.6服务器复制到RHEL 6.5吗?**只需使用tz

我正在运行两台服务器,一台是RHEL 6.6,另一台是6.5,我已经将两台服务器上的时区都改为“澳大利亚/悉尼”


RHEL 6.5显示为2015年东部时间xx:xx:xx

RHEL 6.6显示为xx:xx:ss AEDT 2015


我可以将时区文件**/use/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney从RHEL 6.6服务器复制到RHEL 6.5吗?**


$ tzselect 
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent, ocean, "coord", or "TZ".
 1) Africa
 2) Americas
 3) Antarctica
 4) Arctic Ocean
 5) Asia
 6) Atlantic Ocean
 7) Australia
 8) Europe
 9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) coord - I want to use geographical coordinates.
12) TZ - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
#? 7
Please select one of the following time zone regions.
1) Lord Howe Island                      8) Queensland - most locations
2) Macquarie Island                      9) Queensland - Holiday Islands
3) Tasmania - most locations            10) South Australia
4) Tasmania - King Island               11) Northern Territory
5) Victoria                             12) Western Australia - most locations
6) New South Wales - most locations     13) Western Australia - Eucla area
7) New South Wales - Yancowinna
#? 6

The following information has been given:

        New South Wales - most locations

Therefore TZ='Australia/Sydney' will be used.
Local time is now:      Thu Jan  8 15:45:46 AEDT 2015.
Universal Time is now:  Thu Jan  8 04:45:46 UTC 2015.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1

You can make this change permanent for yourself by appending the line
        TZ='Australia/Sydney'; export TZ
to the file '.profile' in your home directory; then log out and log in again.

Here is that TZ value again, this time on standard output so that you
can use the /usr/bin/tzselect command in shell scripts: