
DISCORD.JS在等待反应方面有问题,discord.js,Discord.js,因此,基本上,我希望机器人在用户对消息做出特定表情反应后删除其消息。当我尝试使用下面的代码时,什么都没有发生。从来没有错误。我也不想要时间限制,只要有一个反应就做一件事。当前代码: return ['what does your filter look like? We con't see the first line of it. Your problem is that you try to check the emote twice. Once in the filter and


    return ['what does your filter look like? We con't see the first line of it. Your problem is that you try to check the emote twice. Once in the filter and then again in the function. Only use the filter here, or use the function if you want multiple emotes (i wouldn't recommend it).

my solution would look like this:

var message = msg.channel.send("test message");
    const filter = (reaction, user) => reaction.emoji.name === ':ok_hand:' //whatever emote you want to use, beware that .await.Reactions can only check a singel emote
    message.then(m=>{m.awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1})
        .then(collected => {
            console.log("do what ever");
            m.delete();//such as this



