Discord.js 当用户加入语音频道时,向特定频道发送消息不起作用

Discord.js 当用户加入语音频道时,向特定频道发送消息不起作用,discord.js,Discord.js,已经查找了stackoverflow上的所有问题,但没有任何效果。 如果有人加入特定的语音频道,我希望我的机器人发送消息 client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => { // Here I'm storing the IDs of their voice channels, if available const oldChannel = oldMember.voiceChannel ? oldMember.voic

已经查找了stackoverflow上的所有问题,但没有任何效果。 如果有人加入特定的语音频道,我希望我的机器人发送消息

client.on('voiceStateUpdate', (oldMember, newMember) => {
  // Here I'm storing the IDs of their voice channels, if available
  const oldChannel = oldMember.voiceChannel ? oldMember.voiceChannel.id : null;
  const newChannel = newMember.voiceChannel ? newMember.voiceChannel.id : null;
  if (oldChannel == newChannel) return; // If there has been no change, exit

  // Here I'm getting the client's channel (client.voiceChannel does not exist)
  const clientMember = oldMember.guild.member(client.user),
    clientChannel = clientMember ? clientMember.voiceChannel.id : null;

  // Here I'm getting the channel, just replace VVV this VVV with the channel's ID
  const textChannel = oldMember.guild.channels.get('765520462439645191');
  if (!textChannel) throw new Error("That channel does not exist.");

  // Here I don't need to check if they're the same, since it would've exit before
  if (newChannel == clientChannel) {
    // console.log("A user joined.");
    textChannel.send(`${newMember} has joined the voice channel.`);
  } else if (oldChannel == clientChannel) {
    // console.log("A user left.");
    textChannel.send(`${newMember} has left the voice channel.`);


const newUserChannel=newMember.voice.channelID
const oldUserChannel=oldMember.voice.channelID
const textChannel=message.guild.channels.cache.get('TEXT CHANNEL ID')
if(newUserChannel==='VOICE CHANNEL ID'){
}else if(oldUserChannel==='VOICE CHANNEL ID'&&newUserChannel!=='VOICE CHANNEL ID'){
