Ember.js 余烬组件正在丢失属性绑定

Ember.js 余烬组件正在丢失属性绑定,ember.js,Ember.js,我创建了一个Ember.Component,这是HTML: <div class="progress-bar-component"> <div class="progress-bar-indicator" {{bind-attr style="progressWidthStyle"}} max="100"></div> </div> <p class="progress-message">{{message}}</p>


<div class="progress-bar-component">
  <div class="progress-bar-indicator" {{bind-attr style="progressWidthStyle"}} max="100"></div>
<p class="progress-message">{{message}}</p>


您是否也会添加exposermixin?不,我读错了,您希望您的一个组件影响所有其他组件?所以,如果其中一个说隐藏,那么全部隐藏?exposer mixin就是我用来通过控制台调用组件的一个mixin(从另一个应用程序,这里没什么重要的)。我正在从ember控制台调用showProgress(100,30,1)方法,并更新(style=“width:30%”)最后渲染的组件(因此,如果渲染了3个组件,我只看到一个具有style=“width:30%”的组件和另外两个具有style=“width:0”的组件)我认为这就是为什么当Ember创建组件的新实例时,它会将“progress”属性设置为零。如果要更改每个实例的进度值,则必须获取对每个实例的引用。我有点搞不懂你说的余烬控制台是什么意思,你是说余烬检查器吗?对不起,是的,是余烬检查器。我是否感到困惑,或者Ember.Component的行为是要有可重用的东西?如何获得对组件每个实例的引用?
import ExposerMixin from 'velocity/mixins/views/exposer';

default Ember.Component.extend(ExposerMixin, Ember.Evented, {
  message: 'Content being updated, please do not go offline',
  init: function() {
    this.set('progress', 0);
  defaultClass: '.header-progress-bar-holder',
    Object used to expose these methods globally (see reference to @mixins/exposer.js)
  config: {
    progress: ['showProgress', 'hideProgress', 'setMessage']
    Used to render the progress modal on screen.
    @method showProgress
    @params {Integer} fileSize - Total file size
    @params {Integer} actualProgress - The actual progress that the file has
  showProgress: function(fileSize, actualProgress, fileId) {
    // Get the current progress value.
    var updateProgress = actualProgress * 100 / fileSize,

    // If index panel is showed, we hide it.

    this.sendAction('setFileId', fileId);

    // Shows the progress modal component

    // Set current progress on the progress bar
    this.set('progress', updateProgress);
    Used to render the progress modal on screen.
    @method _show
  _show: function() {
    // Show the progress bar component.
    Used to set a new message on the progress modal on screen.
    @method setMessage
    @params {String} newMessage - New message to be displayed on the bottom of the progress bar component.
  setMessage: function(newMessage) {
    this.set('message', newMessage);
    Used to hide the progress modal component
    @method _hide
  _hide: function() {
    // Hide progress bar component.
    Used to hide the progress modal.
    @method hideProgress
    @returns - Ember.RSVP.Promise instance.
  hideProgress: function() {
    var self = this,
      promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) {
        // We finished the progress flow and resolves the promise
      }).then(function() {
        // After hide it, reset the progress.
    // Finally hide the progress bar component.

    return promise;
    Used to hide the progress modal.
    @method _resetProgress
  _resetProgress: function() {
    this.set('progress', 0);
    Used to bind to the template with the right style to display current progress.
    @property progressWidthStyle
  progressWidthStyle: function() {
    return 'width:' + this.get('progress') + '%';