Excel VBA:使用对象变量循环字典中的项

Excel VBA:使用对象变量循环字典中的项,excel,vba,dictionary,Excel,Vba,Dictionary,我试图用一个引用继承类“bride”的对象变量来循环字典中的项,但是我不能用字典来循环,但是对于集合,它非常简单,有没有一种方法可以不用字典的键来解决这个问题?因为那样我就失去了使用智能感知功能的能力 以下是该类品种的代码: Option Explicit Public Property Get Name() As String End Property Public Property Get Color() As String End Property Public Property G



Option Explicit

Public Property Get Name() As String
End Property

Public Property Get Color() As String
End Property

Public Property Get Price() As Double
End Property

Option Explicit

Implements Breed

Private pName As String, pPrice As Double, pColor As String

Public Property Let Name(Val As String)
    pName = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = pName
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Name() As String
    Breed_Name = Name
End Property


Public Property Let Price(Val As Double)
    pPrice = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Price() As Double
    Price = pPrice
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Price() As Double
    Breed_Price = Price
End Property


Public Property Let Color(Val As String)
    pColor = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Color() As String
    Color = pColor
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Color() As String
    Breed_Color = Color
End Property

Option Explicit

Implements Breed

Private pName As String, pPrice As Double, pColor As String

Public Property Let Name(Val As String)
    pName = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = pName
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Name() As String
    Breed_Name = Name
End Property


Public Property Let Price(Val As Double)
    pPrice = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Price() As Double
    Price = pPrice
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Price() As Double
    Breed_Price = Price
End Property


Public Property Let Color(Val As String)
    pColor = Val
End Property

Public Property Get Color() As String
    Color = pColor
End Property

Private Property Get Breed_Color() As String
    Breed_Color = Color
End Property

Option Explicit

Sub Main()

    Dim C           As Cats
    Dim D           As Dogs
    Dim Coll        As Collection
    Dim B           As Breed

    Set C = New Cats
    C.Name = "Catomon"
    C.Color = "Angle White"
    C.Price = 800.98

    Set D = New Dogs
    D.Name = "Dogomon"
    D.Color = "Golden White"
    D.Price = 1000.23

    Set Coll = New Collection
    Coll.Add C
    Coll.Add D

    Set B = New Breed

    For Each B In Coll
        Debug.Print B.Name, B.Color, B.Price
    Next B

    Set C = Nothing
    Set D = Nothing
    Set B = Nothing
    Set Coll = Nothing

End Sub



Sub MainWithDictionary()

    Dim C           As Cats
    Dim D           As Dogs
    Dim Dict        As Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim B           As Breed
    Dim K           As Variant 'new variable

    Set C = New Cats
    C.Name = "Catomon"
    C.Color = "Angle White"
    C.Price = 800.98

    Set D = New Dogs
    D.Name = "Dogomon"
    D.Color = "Golden White"
    D.Price = 1000.23

    Set Dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
    'Keys are just placeholders
    Dict.Add 1, C
    Dict.Add 2, D

    For Each K In Dict.Items()
        'Cast the Variant result to Breed
        Set B = K
        'You will have Intellisense on each dictionary items after this

        Debug.Print B.Name, B.Color, B.Price
    Next K

    Set C = Nothing
    Set D = Nothing
    Set B = Nothing
    Set Dict = Nothing

End Sub
