Excel 如何一次删除多行而不会出现关于';删除范围类的方法';?

Excel 如何一次删除多行而不会出现关于';删除范围类的方法';?,excel,vba,rows,Excel,Vba,Rows,在这张表中,我试图在一个范围内搜索空单元格,并删除它们各自的行 Sub Delete() 'Amass row numbers Dim B, Blank As Range Dim Deletion() As Long Dim D As Long Set Blank = Sheets("Quotation").Range("I17:I3816") D = 0 For Each B In Blank If IsEmpty(B) Then D = D + 1


Sub Delete()

'Amass row numbers
Dim B, Blank As Range
Dim Deletion() As Long
Dim D As Long

Set Blank = Sheets("Quotation").Range("I17:I3816")

D = 0

For Each B In Blank

    If IsEmpty(B) Then

        D = D + 1

        ReDim Preserve Deletion(D)

        Deletion(D) = B.Row

    End If

Next B

Dim Amass As Range

'A starting point for the Amass range - should it need one pre-Union?
Set Amass = Sheets("Quotation").Range("10000:10000")

'Amass rows
For i = 1 To D

    Set Amass = Union(Amass, Sheets("Quotation").Range(Deletion(i) & ":" & Deletion(i)))

Next i

'Delete rows

End Sub


我是否正确使用了阵列和“ReDim Preserve”功能?


Sub tgr()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rCheck As Range
    Dim rDel As Range

    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Quotation")

    For Each rCheck In ws.Range("I17", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp)).Cells
        If IsEmpty(rCheck) Then
            If Not rDel Is Nothing Then Set rDel = Union(rDel, rCheck) Else Set rDel = rCheck
        End If
    Next rCheck

    If Not rDel Is Nothing Then rDel.EntireRow.Delete

End Sub
