
如何将数字或Excel文件转换为数据库以进行AppleScript查询?,excel,numbers,applescript,Excel,Numbers,Applescript,最终,我希望能够做到以下几点: 维护条目记录,包括:ID#、名字、姓氏、, 电子邮件地址 在Hazel中设置规则,在数据库中搜索文档中的名字或姓氏,并使用相应的ID#重命名文档 理想情况下,这将在后台运行而不打开任何文件,因此使用“数据库事件”的AppleScript查询似乎是最佳选择。不过,我没有任何数据库创建或编辑软件(除非我不知道OS X中有一个默认选项),所以我想最好将我本来创建的Excel/Numbers文件转换为数据库,然后将该数据库用于脚本 我正在测试以下脚本,以将数字表转换为sq


  • 维护条目记录,包括:ID#、名字、姓氏、, 电子邮件地址
  • 在Hazel中设置规则,在数据库中搜索文档中的名字或姓氏,并使用相应的ID#重命名文档
  • 理想情况下,这将在后台运行而不打开任何文件,因此使用“数据库事件”的AppleScript查询似乎是最佳选择。不过,我没有任何数据库创建或编辑软件(除非我不知道OS X中有一个默认选项),所以我想最好将我本来创建的Excel/Numbers文件转换为数据库,然后将该数据库用于脚本



    1) 有没有想过为什么会出现这种错误? 2) 有什么比这更好的解决方案吗


    on error…结束try
    行,然后再次运行它,这样您就可以看到错误实际发生的位置。FWIW,如果您了解Python或Ruby之类的知识,那么您应该能够找到库来直接读取xls/xlsx文件。如果您的电子表格文件定期更改,这可能比每次更改时都必须手动重新导出它更可取(这很容易忘记)。e、 g.我用于读取xslx文件;撇开奇怪的恼怒不谈(有什么新的吗?),它可以完成任务,除非您的电子表格非常庞大,否则它应该足够快,可以在Python中迭代查找您想要的行。
    property extractDataWithFormatting : false
    property coerceNumberToInteger : true
    property documentsFolder : missing value
    set documentsFolder to (path to documents folder)
    tell application "Numbers"
            if not (exists document 1) then error number 1000
            tell document 1
                    tell active sheet
                        set the selectedTable to ¬
                            (the first table whose class of selection range is range)
                    end tell
                on error
                    error number 1001
                end try
                display dialog "This script will create an SQLite database with the data contained in the selected table." buttons {"Cancel", "Begin"} default button 2 with icon 1
                tell selectedTable
                    set databaseName to the name of it
                    tell application "Finder"
                        if not (exists folder "Databases" of documentsFolder) then
                            make new folder at documentsFolder with properties {name:"Databases"}
                        end if
                        set thisName to databaseName
                        set loopCounter to 1
                            if exists document file (thisName & ".dbev") of folder "Databases" of documentsFolder then
                                set thisName to databaseName & "-" & (loopCounter as string)
                                set loopCounter to loopCounter + 1
                                set databaseName to thisName
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
                    end tell
                    set rowCount to (the count of rows)
                    set headerRowCount to header row count
                    set headerColumnCount to header column count
                    if headerRowCount is not 1 then error number 1002
                    set the fieldNames to the value of cells (headerColumnCount + 1) thru -1 of row 1
                    tell application "Database Events"
                        close every database
                        set targetDatabase to ¬
                            make new database with properties {name:databaseName}
                    end tell
                    repeat with i from (1 + headerRowCount) to rowCount
                        if extractDataWithFormatting is true then
                            set thisRowData to the formatted value of every cell of row i
                            set thisRowData to the value of every cell of row i
                        end if
                        if coerceNumberToInteger is true then
                            repeat with w from 1 to the count of thisRowData
                                set thisDataItem to item w of thisRowData
                                if the class of thisDataItem is in {real, number} then
                                    set item w of thisRowData to (thisDataItem as integer)
                                end if
                            end repeat
                        end if
                        tell application "Database Events"
                            tell targetDatabase
                                set thisRecord to make new record with properties {name:""}
                                tell thisRecord
                                    repeat with q from 1 to the count of fieldNames
                                        set thisFieldName to item q of fieldNames
                                        set thisFieldData to item q of thisRowData
                                        make new field with properties ¬
                                            {name:thisFieldName, value:thisFieldData}
                                    end repeat
                                end tell
                            end tell
                        end tell
                    end repeat
                end tell
            end tell
            tell application "Database Events"
                tell targetDatabase
                end tell
            end tell
            display dialog "The database has been created." buttons {"Reveal", "Done"} default button 2 with icon 1
            if the button returned of the result is "Reveal" then
                tell application "Finder"
                    open folder "Databases" of documentsFolder
                end tell
            end if
        on error errorMessage number errorNumber
            if errorNumber is 1000 then
                set alertString to "MISSING RESOURCE"
                set errorMessage to "Please create or open a document before running this script."
            else if errorNumber is 1001 then
                set alertString to "SELECTION ERROR"
                set errorMessage to "Please select a table before running this script."
            else if errorNumber is 1002 then
                set alertString to "MISSING DATA"
                set errorMessage to "This script assumes the use of a single row header whose cell values will be used as field names in the created database."
                set alertString to "EXECUTION ERROR"
            end if
            if errorNumber is not -128 then
                display alert alertString message errorMessage buttons {"Cancel"}
            end if
        end try
    end tell