Excel 列出需要较长时间处理的唯一值公式

Excel 列出需要较长时间处理的唯一值公式,excel,excel-formula,Excel,Excel Formula,我有一个来自上一个问题的公式,它很好用。它列出了从B2开始的动态列A到列B的唯一值。通常A列有几千个值,因此处理需要很长时间。增加计算线程并没有节省很多时间。我正在寻找一个更好的方法或公式,可以节省我很多时间 =IFERROR(索引(A:A;聚合(15;6;行($A$2:INDEX(A:A;MATCH($zzz;A:A)))/(COUNTIF($B$1:B1;$A$2:INDEX(A:A;MATCH($zzz;A:A)))=0;1));“”) 如您问题的评论中所述,使用新的“预官方”唯一函数或透






  • 在VBA编辑器中添加对mscorlib.dll的引用(原因解释如下)
  • 为VBA函数本身添加代码(最好是在它自己的模块中)
  • 添加代码以处理工作簿的SheetCalculate事件(原因解释如下)
  • mscorlib.dll之所以使用“



  • 包含要处理的值的范围(我建议将整个列作为范围发送,除非有标题)
  • 一个可选的“数据类型”字符串,允许函数将值转换为正确的数据类型(以避免在比较不同类型的值时出错)
  • 可选的“数据类型”值可以是“L”(表示“长整数”)、“D”(表示“日期”)、“F”(表示浮点双精度)、“S”(表示不区分大小写的字符串)或“S2”(表示“区分大小写的字符串”)。无法转换的值将被忽略。如果未提供“数据类型”值,则不会尝试进行类型转换,但如果尝试在不同数据类型之间进行无效比较,则函数可能会出错


    Option Explicit
    'This is the "commands queue" that is filled up in this module and is "executed" during the SheetCalculate event
    Public ExtraCalcCommands As New Collection
    Function GetUniques(ByVal dataRange As Range, Optional ByVal dataType As String = "") As Variant
      'Attempt to remove unused cells from the data range to make it smaller
      Dim dataRng As Range
      Set dataRng = Application.Intersect(dataRange, dataRange.Worksheet.UsedRange)
      'If the range is completely empty, simply exit
      If dataRng Is Nothing Then
        GetUniques = ""
        Exit Function
      End If
      'Read in all the data values from the range
      Dim values As Variant: values = dataRng.value
      'If the values do not form an array, it is a single value, so just return it
      If Not IsArray(values) Then
        GetUniques = values
        Exit Function
      End If
      'Get the 2-dimensional array's bounds
      Dim arrLb As Long: arrLb = LBound(values, 1)
      Dim arrUb As Long: arrUb = UBound(values, 1)
      Dim index2 As Long: index2 = LBound(values, 2) 'In the 2nd dimension, we only
                                                     '  care about the first column
      'Remember the original number of values
      Dim arrCount As Long: arrCount = arrUb - arrLb + 1
      'Since [values] is an array, we know that arrCount >= 2
      Dim i As Long
      'Using ArrayList based on ideas from https://excelmacromastery.com/vba-arraylist
      'Copy the values to an ArrayList object, discarding blank values and values
      '  that cannot be converted to the desired data type (if one was specified)
      Dim valuesList As New ArrayList
      Dim arrValue As Variant
      For i = arrLb To arrUb
        arrValue = values(i, index2)
        If (arrValue & "") = "" Then
          'Skip blank values
        ElseIf Not CouldConvert(arrValue, dataType) Then
          'This conversion may be necessary to ensure that the values can be compared against each other during the sort
          valuesList.Add arrValue
        End If
      Dim valuesCount As Long: valuesCount = valuesList.Count
      'Sort the list to easily remove adjacent duplicates
      If Not CouldSort(valuesList) Then
        GetUniques = "#ERROR: Could not sort - consider using the data type argument"
        Exit Function
      End If
      'Remove duplicates (which are now adjacent due to the sort)
      Dim previous As Variant
      If valuesCount > 0 Then previous = valuesList.Item(0)
      Dim current As Variant
      i = 1
      Do While i < valuesCount
        current = valuesList.Item(i)
        If ValuesMatch(current, previous, dataType) Then 'Remove duplicates
          valuesList.RemoveAt i
          valuesCount = valuesCount - 1
          previous = current
          i = i + 1
        End If
      'Replace the removed items with empty strings at the end of the list
      '  This is to get back to the original number of values
      For i = 1 To arrCount - valuesCount
        valuesList.Add ""
      'Return the first value as the function result
      GetUniques = valuesList.Item(0) 'We know valuesList.Count=arrCount>=2
      'Write the rest of the values below
      valuesList.RemoveAt 0
      WriteArrayTo valuesList, Application.Caller.Offset(1, 0)
    End Function
    Private Function CouldSort(ByRef valuesList As ArrayList)
      On Error Resume Next
      CouldSort = Err.Number = 0
    End Function
    Private Function CouldConvert(ByRef value As Variant, ByVal dataType As String)
      CouldConvert = True
      If dataType = "" Then Exit Function
      On Error Resume Next
      Select Case dataType
        Case "L": value = CLng(value)
        Case "F": value = CDbl(value)
        Case "D": value = CDate(value)
        Case "S", "S2": value = value & ""
      End Select
      CouldConvert = Err.Number = 0
    End Function
    Private Function ValuesMatch(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant, ByVal dataType As String) As Boolean
      On Error Resume Next
      Select Case dataType
        Case "S": ValuesMatch = StrComp(v1, v2, vbTextCompare) = 0
        Case "S2": ValuesMatch = StrComp(v1, v2, vbBinaryCompare) = 0
        Case Else: ValuesMatch = v1 = v2
      End Select
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then ValuesMatch = False
    End Function
    Private Sub WriteArrayTo(ByVal list As ArrayList, ByRef destination As Range)
      'This procedure does not do the actual writing but saves the "command" to do the writing in a "queue";
      '  this "commands queue" will be executed in the SheetCalculate event;
      'We cannot write to cells outside the UDF's formula whilst the function is being calculated
      '  because of Excel restrictions; that is why we must postpone the writing for later
      Dim coll As New Collection
      coll.Add "DoWriteList" 'Name of the procedure to execute
      coll.Add destination   '1st argument used by the procedure
      coll.Add list          '2nd argument used by the procedure
      ExtraCalcCommands.Add coll
    End Sub


    如果您可以通过Office Insiders程序访问它,您可以使用。否则VBA可能会更快。还是仅仅删除重复?一个数据透视表?电力查询?还是VBA…高级过滤器?@JvdV我创建了一个数据透视表,计算时间现在可能快了10倍。唯一的缺点是,它需要单击刷新按钮来更新透视表。我可以接受。非常感谢。
    Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
      Dim i&
      Do While ExtraCalcCommands.Count > 0
        Dim cmdColl As Collection: Set cmdColl = ExtraCalcCommands.Item(1)
        Select Case cmdColl.Item(1)
          Case "DoWriteList": DoWriteList cmdColl.Item(2), cmdColl.Item(3)
          'Other procedure names could go here in future
        End Select
        'Remove the processed "command" from the queue
        ExtraCalcCommands.Remove 1
    End Sub
    Private Sub DoWriteList(ByRef destination As Range, ByVal list As ArrayList)
      destination.Resize(list.Count, 1).value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(list.ToArray)
    End Sub