Excel 基于其他单元格值复制/粘贴n次

Excel 基于其他单元格值复制/粘贴n次,excel,vba,loops,iteration,copy-paste,Excel,Vba,Loops,Iteration,Copy Paste,我用这个撞到墙上了。尽管像这样的帖子非常相似,或者在Kioskea上,我只是无法将我头脑中的点连接在过滤细胞和基于公式结果的复制之间,而这正是实现这一点所需要的。以下是数据表-简化-我正在使用: A B C D E F G H R1 Name Num Status #Orig #InPro #Act #Rem #RemStatus R2 ABC 032 Complete 22 0 11 11 Pur


     A    B   C        D     E      F    G    H
 R1 Name Num Status   #Orig #InPro #Act #Rem #RemStatus
 R2 ABC  032 Complete 22    0      11   11   Purged
 R3 LMN  035 In Prog  25    21     4    21   Pending Scan
 R4 XYZ  039 Not Act  16    16     0    16   Not Active

  • D列是计划扫描的框数
  • 列E是要扫描的框数
  • F列是实际扫描的框数

  • 如果状态为非活动状态,则G列和H列将与之匹配,无需执行任何操作
  • 如果状态为“进行中”,则假定G列中的数字是待扫描的框数(简单地说是原始框数减去实际框数)
  • 如果状态为“完成”,则假定G列中的数字是不需要扫描且已清除的框数


Sub TEST_Copy_Process()

Dim srcrange As Range
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws1 = Worksheets("SIS Agregate")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Center Detail")
Set srcrange = Range(wb.ws2.Cells("A2:H61"))

For Each Row In srcrange.Rows

If Row = "Not Active" And Row.Offset(0, 3) = SectorType Then
ElseIf Row = "In Progress" And Row.Offset(0, 3) = SectorType Then

ElseIf Row = "Complete" And Row.Offset(0, 3) = SectorType Then

End If

    Set LastCell = wb.ws1.Cells(wb.ws1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
    LastCellRowNumber = LastCell.Row + 1

Next Row

End Sub





Set srcrange = Range(wb.ws2.Cells("A2:H61"))


For Each Row In srcrange.Cells  '## In this case, Cells/Rows is the same, but I use Cells as I find it less ambiguous
    Select Case Row.Value
        Case "Not Active"
        '## If the status is Not Active, Column G and H match it, and nothing needs to be done
            'Do nothing

        Case "In Progress", "Complete"
        '## If the status is In Progress or Complete, ... copy cells A, B, and H _
        '    and paste it (column)"G" number of times in another worksheet - _
        '    within the same workbook - starting in the next available row.

        '# Get the next empty cell in column A of the ws1
        '  I modified this to use Offset(1, 0), to return the cell BENEATH
        '  the last cell.
            Set LastCell = wb.ws1.Cells(wb.ws1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)

        '## copy the values from columns A, B, H to ws1
        '## Column A goes in column A
            LastCell.Value = Row.Offset(0, -7).Value 
        '## Column B goes in column B
            LastCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Row.Offset(0, -6).Value 
        '## Column H goes in column C (because you did not specify)
            LastCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Row.Value 
    End Select
Next Row

For Each Row In srcrange.Cells  '## In this case, Cells/Rows is the same, but I use Cells as I find it less ambiguous
    Select Case Row.Value
        Case "Not Active"
        '## If the status is Not Active, Column G and H match it, and nothing needs to be done
            'Do nothing

        Case "In Progress", "Complete"
        '## If the status is In Progress or Complete, ... copy cells A, B, and H _
        '    and paste it (column)"G" number of times in another worksheet - _
        '    within the same workbook - starting in the next available row.

        '# Get the next empty cell in column A of the ws1
        '  I modified this to use Offset(1, 0), to return the cell BENEATH
        '  the last cell.
            Set LastCell = wb.ws1.Cells(wb.ws1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)

        '## copy the values from columns A, B, H to ws1
        '## Column A goes in column A
            LastCell.Value = Row.Offset(0, -7).Value 
        '## Column B goes in column B
            LastCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Row.Offset(0, -6).Value 
        '## Column H goes in column C (because you did not specify)
            LastCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Row.Value 
    End Select
Next Row