Excel VBA编写重复条件代码的最佳方法

Excel VBA编写重复条件代码的最佳方法,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我有六个位置a,b,c,d,e,f在我的轴切片机,我有五个盒子形状的基础上是灰色的。根据切片器中的选择,框颜色将变为绿色。选择所有位置后,所有框将变为绿色。 我通过VBA中的if条件实现了这一点。但我对如何满足用户只选择三个或两个位置的条件感到困惑。编码以满足此条件的最佳方式是什么 Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable) If Target.Name = "PivotTable4" Then

我有六个位置a,b,c,d,e,f在我的轴切片机,我有五个盒子形状的基础上是灰色的。根据切片器中的选择,框颜色将变为绿色。选择所有位置后,所有框将变为绿色。 我通过VBA中的if条件实现了这一点。但我对如何满足用户只选择三个或两个位置的条件感到困惑。编码以满足此条件的最佳方式是什么

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    If Target.Name = "PivotTable4" Then
        If ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("a").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("b").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("c").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("d").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("e").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems("f").Selected = True Then
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 9").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = vbGreen
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 7").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 12").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 11").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 15").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
            With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform: Shape 6").Fill.ForeColor
                .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
            End With
        End If
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    Dim sShape
    If Target.Name = "PivotTable4" Then
        ' instantiate dictionary
        With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            ' fill the dict with shape names as keys and corresponding slicer names as values
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 6") = "a"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 15") = "b"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 11") = "c"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 12") = "d"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 7") = "e"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 9") = "f"
            ' set forecolor for each shape depending on corresponding slicer actual selected state
            For Each sShape In .Keys
                Target.Parent.Shapes(sShape).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = IIf( _
                    Target.Parent.Parent.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems(.Item(sShape)).Selected, _
                    vbGreen, _
                    RGB(205, 192, 176) _
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    Dim aShape
    If Target.Name = "PivotTable4" Then
        ' loop through shapes using array populated by nested arrays with shape/slicer name pairs
        For Each aShape In Array( _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 6", "a"), _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 15", "b"), _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 11", "c"), _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 12", "d"), _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 7", "e"), _
            Array("Freeform: Shape 9", "f") _
            ' set forecolor for the shape depending on the slicer actual selected state
            Target.Parent.Shapes(aShape(0)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = IIf( _
                Target.Parent.Parent.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems(aShape(1)).Selected, _
                vbGreen, _
                RGB(205, 192, 176) _
    End If
End Sub


  Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
    Dim sShape
    Dim d
    If Target.Name = "PivotTable4" Then
        ' instantiate dictionary
        Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        With d
            ' fill the dict with shape names as keys and corresponding slicer names as values
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 6") = "a"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 15") = "b"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 11") = "c"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 12") = "d"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 7") = "e"
            .Item("Freeform: Shape 9") = "f"
            ' replace each slicer name with it's actual selected state
            For Each sShape In .Keys
                d.Item(sShape) = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Site_work_being_carried_out").SlicerItems(.Item(sShape)).Selected
            ' set forecolor for each shape individually
            For Each sShape In .Keys
                With ActiveSheet.Shapes(sShape).Fill.ForeColor
                    If d.Item(sShape) Then
                        .RGB = vbGreen
                        .RGB = RGB(205, 192, 176)
                    End If
                End With
        End With
    End If
End Sub
