Excel 如何将单元格范围复制为电子邮件正文中的位图?

Excel 如何将单元格范围复制为电子邮件正文中的位图?,excel,vba,outlook,Excel,Vba,Outlook,我有7个不同的单元格区域,需要在电子邮件正文中复制和粘贴位图图像 范围为E3、V29;e30,v54;e55,v80;e81,v145;x3,af8;x9,af37;e3,v180 Sub Criaremail() Dim Outlook As Object Dim email As Object Dim xInspect As Object Dim pageEditor As Object assunto = Sheets("Corpo do Ema



Sub Criaremail()

    Dim Outlook As Object
    Dim email As Object
    Dim xInspect As Object
    Dim pageEditor As Object

    assunto = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH1")
    para = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH2")

    Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    Set email = Outlook.CreateItem(0)

    With email
        .Subject = assunto
        .To = para
        .Body = ""

    Set xInspect = email.GetInspector
    Set pageEditor = xInspect.WordEditor

    Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("E3:V29").Copy

    pageEditor.Application.Selection.Start = Len(.Body)
    pageEditor.Application.Selection.End = 
    pageEditor.Application.Selection.PasteSpecial (wdPasteBitmap)

    Set pageEditor = Nothing
    Set xInspect = Nothing

    End With

    Set email = Nothing
    Set Outlook = Nothing

End Sub


Sub Criaremail()

    Dim Outlook As Object
    Dim email As Object
    Dim xInspect As Object
    Dim pageEditor As Object
    Dim assunto As String, para As String
    Dim myRange As Excel.Range

    assunto = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH1")
    para = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH2")

    Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    Set email = Outlook.CreateItem(0)

    With email
        .Subject = assunto
        .To = para

        Set xInspect = email.GetInspector
        Set pageEditor = xInspect.WordEditor

        With pageEditor.Application.Selection
            .Collapse 1                 ' 1 = wdCollapseStart
            .InsertAfter "Hi," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                     "here's the info:" & vbCrLf
            .Collapse 0                 ' 0 = wdCollapseEnd
            For Each myRange In Sheets("Corpo do Email") _
                .Range( _
                "E3:V29, E30:V54, E55:V80, E81:V145, X3:AF8, X9:AF37, E3:V180" _
                '.PasteAndFormat Type:=13       ' 13 = wdChartPicture
                .PasteSpecial DataType:=4       ' 4 = wdPasteBitmap
                .Collapse 0
            Next myRange
            .InsertAfter "Best wishes,"
            .Collapse 0
        End With

        Set pageEditor = Nothing
        Set xInspect = Nothing

    End With

    Set email = Nothing
    Set Outlook = Nothing

End Sub


Sub Criaremail()

    Dim Outlook As Object
    Dim email As Object
    Dim xInspect As Object
    Dim pageEditor As Object
    Dim assunto As String, para As String
    Dim myRange As Excel.Range

    assunto = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH1")
    para = Sheets("Corpo do Email").Range("AH2")

    Set Outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
    Set email = Outlook.CreateItem(0)

    With email
        .Subject = assunto
        .To = para

        Set xInspect = email.GetInspector
        Set pageEditor = xInspect.WordEditor

        With pageEditor.Application.Selection
            .Collapse 1                 ' 1 = wdCollapseStart
            .InsertAfter "Hi," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                     "here's the info:" & vbCrLf
            .Collapse 0                 ' 0 = wdCollapseEnd
            For Each myRange In Sheets("Corpo do Email") _
                .Range( _
                "E3:V29, E30:V54, E55:V80, E81:V145, X3:AF8, X9:AF37, E3:V180" _
                '.PasteAndFormat Type:=13       ' 13 = wdChartPicture
                .PasteSpecial DataType:=4       ' 4 = wdPasteBitmap
                .Collapse 0
            Next myRange
            .InsertAfter "Best wishes,"
            .Collapse 0
        End With

        Set pageEditor = Nothing
        Set xInspect = Nothing

    End With

    Set email = Nothing
    Set Outlook = Nothing

End Sub
