Excel VBA字典中的数组引用

Excel VBA字典中的数组引用,excel,vba,dictionary,Excel,Vba,Dictionary,我无法找到如何在VBA字典中存储和访问数组 我有一把钥匙,上面有很多东西,比如苹果,价值3,数量5 单个项目不会成为问题,即: 苹果=3 但是如何存储和检索多个值呢? 假设我想添加苹果,3,5,然后移动到C4单元,自动将苹果粘贴在那里,3在C5中,5在C6中 到目前为止,我已经尝试: Dim last_row As Long last_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Dim last_col As Long last_col = ActiveSh



单个项目不会成为问题,即: 苹果=3

但是如何存储和检索多个值呢? 假设我想添加苹果,3,5,然后移动到C4单元,自动将苹果粘贴在那里,3在C5中,5在C6中


Dim last_row As Long
last_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim last_col As Long
last_col = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count

Dim strVal As String
Dim Item(0 To 99) As String
Dim header As Range
Dim rng As Range

For Each rngCell In Range(Cells(1 + i, 1), Cells(last_row, 1))
    i = i + 1
    strVal = rngCell.Text
    If Not dict.Exists(strVal) Then
            n = 0
            For Each headerCell In Range(Cells(i, 2), Cells(i, last_col))
                n = n + 1
                Item(n) = headerCell.Text
                'MsgBox headerCell.Text
            Next headerCell
            dict(strVal) = Item
        MsgBox "already exists"
    End If
Next rngCell

Dim Items(0 To 99) As String
sFruit = InputBox("Check value of key")
Items = dict(sFruit)
MsgBox "The value of " & sFruit & " is " & Items(2)



Option Explicit

Public Sub DictArrayExample()
     Dim dict As Object
     Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

     'create an array
     Dim Arr() As Variant
     Arr = Array("Item1", "Item2", "Item3") 'Array Index 0 to 2

     'write the array into dictionary
     dict.Add "apples", Arr

     'or directly into dictionary without variable
     dict.Add "bananas", Array("banana1", "banana2")

     'directly access array inside dictionary
     Debug.Print dict("apples")(1) 'index 1 = Item2

     'get the array from the dictionary into another variable
     Dim RetrieveArr() As Variant
     RetrieveArr = dict("apples")

     'access array in that variable
     Debug.Print Join(RetrieveArr, ", ")
     Debug.Print RetrieveArr(0) 'index 0 = Item 1
End Sub

使用dict.Add Apples,Array3,5来存储数组,而不是dict Apples=3。要将其放入单元格中,您需要编写具有所需逻辑的代码。有关词典的良好资源,请参阅。请注意,SO不是免费的代码编写服务,所以请自己尝试一下,如果遇到问题或错误,请返回您的代码或a。我更新了问题。我一直在跟保罗·凯利的向导学习。通常数组不会给我带来麻烦,除非它存储在字典中。似乎Items=dictsFruit不是检索数组的方法。请查看我的答案,如果这对您有帮助的话。