如何从源代码tarball在Windows上构建Firefox84.0? 问题

如何从源代码tarball在Windows上构建Firefox84.0? 问题,firefox,build,dependencies,Firefox,Build,Dependencies,我需要在Windows上编译firefox。我下载了源代码tarball(因为我不想要构建的整个提交历史,我只想要head提交)和Mozillabuild环境。然而,用于Firefox依赖项的工具,mach bootstrap在tarball上不起作用,它吐了出来 Note on Artifact Mode: Artifact builds download prebuilt C++ components rather than building them locally. Artifact

mach bootstrap

Note on Artifact Mode:

Artifact builds download prebuilt C++ components rather than building
them locally. Artifact builds are faster!

Artifact builds are recommended for people working on Firefox or
Firefox for Android frontends, or the GeckoView Java API. They are unsuitable
for those working on C++ code. For more information see:

Please choose the version of Firefox you want to build:
  1. Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode
  2. Firefox for Desktop
  3. GeckoView/Firefox for Android Artifact Mode
  4. GeckoView/Firefox for Android
Your choice: 2
Your version of Python 3 (3.7.4) is new enough.
Your version of Python 2 (2.7.16) is new enough.
Error running mach:


This is a user error and does not appear to be a bug in mach.

If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error

The details of the failure are as follows:

mach.util.UserError: Could not identify the root directory of your checkout! Are you running `mach bootstrap` in an hg or git clone?

  File "c:\mozilla-source\python/mozboot/mozboot/mach_commands.py", line 58, in bootstrap
  File "c:\mozilla-source\python/mozboot\mozboot\bootstrap.py", line 403, in bootstrap
    env=self.instance._hg_cleanenv(load_hgrc=True), hg=which("hg")
  File "c:\mozilla-source\python/mozboot\mozboot\bootstrap.py", line 644, in current_firefox_checkout
    "Could not identify the root directory of your checkout! "
我试过的 在阅读了更多的文档之后,我尝试了一个工件构建,它吐出了同样的错误

  • x86_64(英特尔64)上的Windows 7 x64
  • 下载并安装MozillaBuild 3.3
  • 启动%HOMEDRIVE%\mozilla build\Start-shell.bat
  • 从下载Firefox xzipped tar
  • 运行
  • 将CD放在提取的目录上,运行
    /mach bootstrap