Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/fsharp/3.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
方便的F#代码片段_F#_Reference_Code Snippets - Fatal编程技术网


方便的F#代码片段,f#,reference,code-snippets,F#,Reference,Code Snippets,已经有了关于F#/函数的代码片段 然而,我在这里寻找的是有用的代码段,即可重用的小“助手”函数。或者是你永远记不清的模糊但漂亮的图案 比如: open System.IO let rec visitor dir filter= seq { yield! Directory.GetFiles(dir, filter) for subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir) do yield! visito




open System.IO

let rec visitor dir filter= 
    seq { yield! Directory.GetFiles(dir, filter)
          for subdir in Directory.GetDirectories(dir) do 
              yield! visitor subdir filter} 

编辑Tomas Petricek专门为F#代码片段创建了一个网站。


namespace System.Xml.Linq

// hide warning about op_Explicit
#nowarn "77"

module XmlUtils =

    /// Converts a string to an XName.
    let xn = XName.op_Implicit
    /// Converts a string to an XNamespace.
    let xmlns = XNamespace.op_Implicit

    /// Gets the string value of any XObject subclass that has a Value property.
    let inline xstr (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) =
        (^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) x)

    /// Gets a strongly-typed value from any XObject subclass, provided that
    /// an explicit conversion to the output type has been defined.
    /// (Many explicit conversions are defined on XElement and XAttribute)
    /// Example: let value:int = xval foo
    let inline xval (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) : ^b = 
        ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Explicit : ^a -> ^b) x) 

    /// Dynamic lookup operator for getting an attribute value from an XElement.
    /// Returns a string option, set to None if the attribute was not present.
    /// Example: let value = foo?href
    /// Example with default: let value = defaultArg foo?Name "<Unknown>"
    let (?) (el:XElement) (name:string) =
        match el.Attribute(xn name) with
        | null -> None
        | att  -> Some(att.Value)

    /// Dynamic operator for setting an attribute on an XElement.
    /// Example: foo?href <- "http://www.foo.com/"
    let (?<-) (el:XElement) (name:string) (value:obj) =
        el.SetAttributeValue(xn name, value)

open System.IO
let fileread f = File.ReadAllText(f)
let filewrite f s = File.WriteAllText(f, s)
let filereadlines f = File.ReadAllLines(f)
let filewritelines f ar = File.WriteAllLines(f, ar)


let filereplace find repl path = 
    path |> fileread |> replace find repl |> filewrite path

let recurseReplace root filter find repl = 
    visitor root filter |> Seq.iter (filereplace find repl)





open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let (|Test|_|) pat s =
    if (new Regex(pat)).IsMatch(s)
    then Some()
    else None

let (|Match|_|) pat s =
    let opt = RegexOptions.None
    let re = new Regex(pat,opt)
    let m = re.Match(s)
    if m.Success
    then Some(m.Groups)
    else None

let HasIndefiniteArticle = function
        | Test "(?: |^)(a|an)(?: |$)" _ -> true
        | _ -> false

type Ast =
    | IntVal of string * int
    | StringVal of string * string
    | LineNo of int
    | Goto of int

let Parse = function
    | Match "^LET\s+([A-Z])\s*=\s*(\d+)$" g ->
        IntVal( g.[1].Value, Int32.Parse(g.[2].Value) )
    | Match "^LET\s+([A-Z]\$)\s*=\s*(.*)$" g ->
        StringVal( g.[1].Value, g.[2].Value )
    | Match "^(\d+)\s*:$" g ->
        LineNo( Int32.Parse(g.[1].Value) )
    | Match "^GOTO \s*(\d+)$" g ->
        Goto( Int32.Parse(g.[1].Value) )
    | s -> failwithf "Unexpected statement: %s" s


let Cache (reader: 'key -> 'value) max = 
        let cache = new Dictionary<'key,LinkedListNode<'key * 'value>>()
        let keys = new LinkedList<'key * 'value>()

        fun (key : 'key) -> ( 
                              let found, value = cache.TryGetValue key
                              match found with
                              |true ->
                                  keys.Remove value
                                  keys.AddFirst value |> ignore
                                  (snd value.Value)

                              |false -> 
                                  let newValue = key,reader key
                                  let node = keys.AddFirst newValue
                                  cache.[key] <- node

                                  if (keys.Count > max) then
                                    let lastNode = keys.Last
                                    cache.Remove (fst lastNode.Value) |> ignore
                                    keys.RemoveLast() |> ignore

                                  (snd newValue))
let cache=新字典(
let found,value=cache.TryGetValue键
让节点=keys.AddFirst newValue
cache.Remove(fst lastNode.Value)|>忽略


将不处理单位的函数“单位化” 使用

let unitize(f:float->float)(v:float(f(float v))

[<Measure>] type m
[<Measure>] type kg

let unitize (f:float -> float) (v:float<'u>) =
  LanguagePrimitives.FloatWithMeasure<'u> (f (float v))

//this function doesn't take units
let badinc a = a + 1.

//this one does!
let goodinc v = unitize badinc v

goodinc 3.<m>
goodinc 3.<kg>
让我们单位化(f:float->float)(v:float(f(float v))
让goodinc v=统一badinc v


let unitize (f:float -> float) (v:float<'u>) =
  let unit = box 1. :?> float<'u>
  unit * (f (v/unit))
let unitize(f:float->float)(v:float



从代码窗口转到F窗口(以及打开F窗口)是Ctrl-Alt F



//We assume that the actual meat is already defined in function 
//    DoStuff (string -> string -> string -> unit)
let defaultOutOption = "N"
let defaultUsageOption = "Y"

let usage =  
      "Scans a folder for and outputs results.\n" +
      "Usage:\n\t MyApplication.exe FolderPath [IncludeSubfolders (Y/N) : default=" + 
      defaultUsageOption + "] [OutputToFile (Y/N): default=" + defaultOutOption + "]"

let HandlArgs arr = 
    match arr with
        | [|d;u;o|] -> DoStuff d u o
        | [|d;u|] -> DoStuff d u defaultOutOption 
        | [|d|] -> DoStuff d defaultUsageOption defaultOutOption 
        | _ ->  
            printf "%s" usage
            Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

let main (args : string array) = 
    args |> HandlArgs
“用法:\n\t MyApplication.exe FolderPath[包括子文件夹(Y/n):默认=”+
让HandlArgs arr=
|[d;u;o |]->DoStuff d u o
|[| d;u |]->DoStuff d u defaultOutOption
|[| d |]->DoStuff d defaultuseGeoption defaultOutOption
| _ ->  
let main(参数:字符串数组)=
args |>HandlArgs





let (=~) input pattern =
    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern)

let test=“monkey”=“monk.+”符号匹配文本。


let pmap f s =
    seq { for a in s -> async { return f s } }
    |> Async.Parallel
    |> Async.Run


type maybeBuilder() =
    member this.Bind(v, f) =
        match v with
        | None -> None
        | Some(x) -> f x
    member this.Delay(f) = f()
    member this.Return(v) = Some v

let maybe = maybeBuilder()




             ___ 77 _
            /        \
   ______ 47 __       99
  /            \
21 _          54
    \        /  \
      43    53  74

type 'a tree =
    | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
    | Nil

let myTree =
         (Node (Nil,21,Node (Node (Node (Nil,32,Nil),39,Nil),43,Nil)),47,
          Node (Node (Nil,53,Nil),54,Node (Nil,74,Nil))),77,Node (Nil,99,Nil))

let rec flatten = function
    | Nil -> []
    | Node(l, a, r) -> flatten l @ a::flatten r
操作符会导致它是O(n log n)或O(n^2),具有不平衡的二叉树。经过一些调整,我提出了这个尾部递归O(n)版本:


> flatten2 myTree;;
val it : int list = [21; 32; 39; 43; 47; 53; 54; 74; 77; 99]
> pascal 10 |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A");;
[1; 1]
[1; 2; 1]
[1; 3; 3; 1]
[1; 4; 6; 4; 1]
[1; 5; 10; 10; 5; 1]
[1; 6; 15; 20; 15; 6; 1]
[1; 7; 21; 35; 35; 21; 7; 1]
[1; 8; 28; 56; 70; 56; 28; 8; 1]
[1; 9; 36; 84; 126; 126; 84; 36; 9; 1]
[1; 10; 45; 120; 210; 252; 210; 120; 45; 10; 1]


      1 1
     1 2 1
    1 3 3 1
   1 4 6 4 1
let listList = [[1;2;3;];[4;5;6]] 

let rec next = function
    | [] -> []
    | x::y::xs -> (x + y)::next (y::xs)
    | x::xs -> x::next xs

let pascal n =
    seq { 1 .. n }
    |> List.scan (fun acc _ -> next (0::acc) ) [1]


> flatten2 myTree;;
val it : int list = [21; 32; 39; 43; 47; 53; 54; 74; 77; 99]
> pascal 10 |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A");;
[1; 1]
[1; 2; 1]
[1; 3; 3; 1]
[1; 4; 6; 4; 1]
[1; 5; 10; 10; 5; 1]
[1; 6; 15; 20; 15; 6; 1]
[1; 7; 21; 35; 35; 21; 7; 1]
[1; 8; 28; 56; 70; 56; 28; 8; 1]
[1; 9; 36; 84; 126; 126; 84; 36; 9; 1]
[1; 10; 45; 120; 210; 252; 210; 120; 45; 10; 1]

let rec next2 cont = function
    | [] -> cont []
    | x::y::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| (x + y)::l ) <| y::xs
    | x::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| x::l ) <| xs

let pascal2 n =
    set { 1 .. n }
    |> Seq.scan (fun acc _ -> next2 id <| 0::acc)) [1]
让rec next2 cont=函数

|x::y::xs->next2(乐趣l->cont cont next2 id创建元素

namespace System.Xml.Linq

// hide warning about op_Explicit
#nowarn "77"

module XmlUtils =

    /// Converts a string to an XName.
    let xn = XName.op_Implicit
    /// Converts a string to an XNamespace.
    let xmlns = XNamespace.op_Implicit

    /// Gets the string value of any XObject subclass that has a Value property.
    let inline xstr (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) =
        (^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) x)

    /// Gets a strongly-typed value from any XObject subclass, provided that
    /// an explicit conversion to the output type has been defined.
    /// (Many explicit conversions are defined on XElement and XAttribute)
    /// Example: let value:int = xval foo
    let inline xval (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) : ^b = 
        ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Explicit : ^a -> ^b) x) 

    /// Dynamic lookup operator for getting an attribute value from an XElement.
    /// Returns a string option, set to None if the attribute was not present.
    /// Example: let value = foo?href
    /// Example with default: let value = defaultArg foo?Name "<Unknown>"
    let (?) (el:XElement) (name:string) =
        match el.Attribute(xn name) with
        | null -> None
        | att  -> Some(att.Value)

    /// Dynamic operator for setting an attribute on an XElement.
    /// Example: foo?href <- "http://www.foo.com/"
    let (?<-) (el:XElement) (name:string) (value:obj) =
        el.SetAttributeValue(xn name, value)

#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System.Xml.Linq

//No! ("type string not compatible with XName")
//let el = new XElement("MyElement", "text") 

let xn s = XName.op_Implicit s
let el = new XElement(xn "MyElement", "text")

//or even
let xEl s o = new XElement(xn s, o)
let el = xEl "MyElement" "text"

成对和成对let rec next = function | [] -> [] | x::y::xs -> (x + y)::next (y::xs) | x::xs -> x::next xs let pascal n = seq { 1 .. n } |> List.scan (fun acc _ -> next (0::acc) ) [1]
> pascal 10 |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A");;
[1; 1]
[1; 2; 1]
[1; 3; 3; 1]
[1; 4; 6; 4; 1]
[1; 5; 10; 10; 5; 1]
[1; 6; 15; 20; 15; 6; 1]
[1; 7; 21; 35; 35; 21; 7; 1]
[1; 8; 28; 56; 70; 56; 28; 8; 1]
[1; 9; 36; 84; 126; 126; 84; 36; 9; 1]
[1; 10; 45; 120; 210; 252; 210; 120; 45; 10; 1]
let rec next2 cont = function
    | [] -> cont []
    | x::y::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| (x + y)::l ) <| y::xs
    | x::xs -> next2 (fun l -> cont <| x::l ) <| xs

let pascal2 n =
    set { 1 .. n }
    |> Seq.scan (fun acc _ -> next2 id <| 0::acc)) [1]
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System.Xml.Linq

//No! ("type string not compatible with XName")
//let el = new XElement("MyElement", "text") 

let xn s = XName.op_Implicit s
let el = new XElement(xn "MyElement", "text")

//or even
let xEl s o = new XElement(xn s, o)
let el = xEl "MyElement" "text"
//converts to 'windowed tuples' ([1;2;3;4;5] -> [(1,2);(2,3);(3,4);(4,5)])
let pairwise lst = 
    let rec loop prev rem acc = 
       match rem with
       | hd::tl -> loop hd tl ((prev,hd)::acc)
       | _ -> List.rev acc
    loop (List.head lst) (List.tail lst) []

//converts to 'paged tuples' ([1;2;3;4;5;6] -> [(1,2);(3,4);(5,6)])    
let pairs lst = 
    let rec loop rem acc = 
       match rem with
       | l::r::tl -> loop tl ((l,r)::acc)
       | l::[] -> failwith "odd-numbered list" 
       | _ -> List.rev acc
    loop lst []
let weights = [|0.6;0.3;0.1|]

let arrs = [| [|0.0453;0.065345;0.07566;1.562;356.6|] ; 
           [|0.0873;0.075565;0.07666;1.562222;3.66|] ; 
           [|0.06753;0.075675;0.04566;1.452;3.4556|] |]
Array.map2 (fun w -> Array.map ((*) w)) weights arrs 
|> Array.reduce (Array.map2 (+))
[|0.060123; 0.069444; 0.07296; 1.5510666; 215.40356|]
open System
open System.Diagnostics 
module PerformanceTesting =
    let Time func =
        let stopwatch = new Stopwatch()

    let GetAverageTime timesToRun func = 
        Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (Time func))
        |> Seq.take timesToRun
        |> Seq.average

    let TimeOperation timesToRun =
        GetAverageTime timesToRun

    let TimeOperations funcsWithName =
        let randomizer = new Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
        |> Seq.sortBy (fun _ -> randomizer.Next())
        |> Seq.map (fun (name, func) -> name, (TimeOperation 100000 func))

    let TimeOperationsAFewTimes funcsWithName =
        Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (TimeOperations funcsWithName))
        |> Seq.take 50
        |> Seq.concat
        |> Seq.groupBy fst
        |> Seq.map (fun (name, individualResults) -> name, (individualResults |> Seq.map snd |> Seq.average))
(dic :> seq<_>)                        //cast to seq of KeyValuePair
    |> Seq.map (|KeyValue|)            //convert KeyValuePairs to tuples
    |> Map.ofSeq                       //convert to Map
(dic :> seq<_>)                        //cast to seq of KeyValuePair
    |> (fun kvp -> kvp.Key, kvp.Value) //convert KeyValuePairs to tuples
    |> dict                            //convert to immutable IDictionary
let dic = Dictionary()
map |> Map.iter (fun k t -> dic.Add(k, t))
val it : Dictionary<string,int> = dict [("a",1);("b",2)]
IDictionary<string,int> = seq[[a,1] {Key = "a"; Value = 1; } ...
//returns a function which will convert from a1-a2 range to b1-b2 range
let scale (a1:float<'u>, a2:float<'u>) (b1:float<'v>,b2:float<'v>) = 
    let m = (b2 - b1)/(a2 - a1) //gradient of line (evaluated once only..)
    (fun a -> b1 + m * (a - a1))
[<Measure>] type m
[<Measure>] type px

let screenSize = (0.<px>, 300.<px>)
let displayRange = (100.<m>, 200.<m>)
let scaleToScreen = scale displayRange screenSize

scaleToScreen 120.<m> //-> 60.<px>
namespace System.Xml.Linq

// hide warning about op_Explicit
#nowarn "77"

module XmlUtils =

    /// Converts a string to an XName.
    let xn = XName.op_Implicit
    /// Converts a string to an XNamespace.
    let xmlns = XNamespace.op_Implicit

    /// Gets the string value of any XObject subclass that has a Value property.
    let inline xstr (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) =
        (^a : (member get_Value : unit -> string) x)

    /// Gets a strongly-typed value from any XObject subclass, provided that
    /// an explicit conversion to the output type has been defined.
    /// (Many explicit conversions are defined on XElement and XAttribute)
    /// Example: let value:int = xval foo
    let inline xval (x : ^a when ^a :> XObject) : ^b = 
        ((^a or ^b) : (static member op_Explicit : ^a -> ^b) x) 

    /// Dynamic lookup operator for getting an attribute value from an XElement.
    /// Returns a string option, set to None if the attribute was not present.
    /// Example: let value = foo?href
    /// Example with default: let value = defaultArg foo?Name "<Unknown>"
    let (?) (el:XElement) (name:string) =
        match el.Attribute(xn name) with
        | null -> None
        | att  -> Some(att.Value)

    /// Dynamic operator for setting an attribute on an XElement.
    /// Example: foo?href <- "http://www.foo.com/"
    let (?<-) (el:XElement) (name:string) (value:obj) =
        el.SetAttributeValue(xn name, value)
/// Option-coalescing operator - this is like the C# ?? operator, but works with 
/// the Option type.
/// Warning: Unlike the C# ?? operator, the second parameter will always be 
/// evaluated.
/// Example: let foo = someOption |? default
let inline (|?) value defaultValue =
    defaultArg value defaultValue

/// Option-coalescing operator with delayed evaluation. The other version of 
/// this operator always evaluates the default value expression. If you only 
/// want to create the default value when needed, use this operator and pass
/// in a function that creates the default.
/// Example: let foo = someOption |?! (fun () -> new Default())
let inline (|?!) value f =
    match value with Some x -> x | None -> f()
var total = myDataTable.AsEnumerable()
                       .Select(row => row.Field<int?>("MyColumn") ?? 0)
let total =
    |> Seq.map (fun row -> row.Field<int option>("MyColumn") |? 0)
    |> Seq.sum
let total =
    |> Seq.choose (fun row -> row.Field<int option>("MyColumn"))
    |> Seq.sum
open System
open System.Data
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

/// Ported from System.Data.DatasetExtensions.dll to add support for the Option type.
[<AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type private UnboxT<'a> private () =

    // This class generates a converter function based on the desired output type,
    // and then re-uses the converter function forever. Because the class itself is generic,
    // different output types get different cached converter functions.

    static let referenceField (value:obj) =
        if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
            unbox value

    static let valueField (value:obj) =
        if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
            raise <| InvalidCastException("Null cannot be converted to " + typeof<'a>.Name)
            unbox value

    static let makeConverter (target:Type) methodName =
                                    .GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Static)
                                    .MakeGenericMethod([| target.GetGenericArguments().[0] |]))
        |> unbox<Converter<obj,'a>>
        |> FSharpFunc.FromConverter

    static let unboxFn =
        let theType = typeof<'a>
        if theType.IsGenericType && not theType.IsGenericTypeDefinition then
            let genericType = theType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
            if typedefof<Nullable<_>> = genericType then
                makeConverter theType "NullableField"
            elif typedefof<option<_>> = genericType then
                makeConverter theType "OptionField"
                invalidOp "The only generic types supported are Option<T> and Nullable<T>."
        elif theType.IsValueType then

    static member private NullableField<'b when 'b : struct and 'b :> ValueType and 'b:(new:unit -> 'b)> (value:obj) =
        if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
            Nullable<_>(unbox<'b> value)

    static member private OptionField<'b> (value:obj) =
        if value = null || DBNull.Value.Equals(value) then
            Some(unbox<'b> value)

    static member inline Unbox =

/// F# data-related extension methods.
module FsDataEx =

    type System.Data.IDataReader with

        /// Exposes a reader's current result set as seq<IDataRecord>.
        /// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
        member this.AsSeq =
            seq { use reader = this
                  while reader.Read() do yield reader :> IDataRecord }

        /// Exposes all result sets in a reader as seq<seq<IDataRecord>>.
        /// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
        member this.AsMultiSeq =
            let rowSeq (reader:IDataReader)  =
                seq { while reader.Read() do yield reader :> IDataRecord }
            seq {
                use reader = this
                yield rowSeq reader
                while reader.NextResult() do
                    yield rowSeq reader

        /// Populates a new DataSet with the contents of the reader. Closes the reader after completion.
        member this.ToDataSet () =
            use reader = this
            let dataSet = new DataSet(RemotingFormat=SerializationFormat.Binary, EnforceConstraints=false)
            dataSet.Load(reader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, [| "" |])

    type System.Data.IDataRecord with

        /// Gets a value from the record by name. 
        /// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
        /// Supports both nullable and option types.
        member this.Field<'a> (fieldName:string) =
            this.[fieldName] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Gets a value from the record by column index. 
        /// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
        /// Supports both nullable and option types.
        member this.Field<'a> (ordinal:int) =
            this.GetValue(ordinal) |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

    type System.Data.DataRow with

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (columnName:string) =
            this.[columnName] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (columnIndex:int) =
            this.[columnIndex] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (column:DataColumn) =
            this.[column] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (columnName:string, version:DataRowVersion) =
            this.[columnName, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (columnIndex:int, version:DataRowVersion) =
            this.[columnIndex, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

        /// Identical to the Field method from DatasetExtensions, but supports the F# Option type.
        member this.Field2<'a> (column:DataColumn, version:DataRowVersion) =
            this.[column, version] |> UnboxT<'a>.Unbox

/// C# data-related extension methods.
[<Extension; AbstractClass; Sealed>]
type CsDataEx private () =

    /// Populates a new DataSet with the contents of the reader. Closes the reader after completion.
    static member ToDataSet(this:IDataReader) =

    /// Exposes a reader's current result set as IEnumerable{IDataRecord}.
    /// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
    static member AsEnumerable(this:IDataReader) =

    /// Exposes all result sets in a reader as IEnumerable{IEnumerable{IDataRecord}}.
    /// Reader is closed when sequence is fully enumerated.
    static member AsMultipleEnumerable(this:IDataReader) =

    /// Gets a value from the record by name. 
    /// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
    /// Supports both nullable and option types.
    static member Field<'T> (this:IDataRecord, fieldName:string) =

    /// Gets a value from the record by column index. 
    /// DBNull and null are returned as the default value for the type.
    /// Supports both nullable and option types.
    static member Field<'T> (this:IDataRecord, ordinal:int) =
let getDateRange  fromDate toDate  =

    let rec dates (fromDate:System.DateTime) (toDate:System.DateTime) = 
        seq {
            if fromDate <= toDate then 
                yield fromDate
                yield! dates (fromDate.AddDays(1.0)) toDate

    dates fromDate toDate
    |> List.ofSeq
// standard Haskell call has function first, then args just like F#. So obviously
// here there is a function that takes two strings: string -> string -> string 
startsWith "kevin" "k"

//Haskell infix operator via backQuotes. Sometimes makes a function read better.
"kevin" `startsWith` "K" 
// F# 'infix' trick via pipelines
"kevin" |> startsWith <| "K"
let sql = "select a,b,c "
    + "from table "
    + "where a = 1"
select a,b,c
from table
where a = 1
// reads the file with the code quoted sql, strips code symbols, dumps to FSI
let stripForSql fileName = 
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, "\+(\s*)\"", "")) 
    |> (fun s -> s.Replace("\"", ""))
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, ";$", "")) // end of line semicolons
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, "//.+", "")) // get rid of any comments
    |> (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
let prepFromSql fileName = 
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, @"\r\n", " \"\r\n+\"")) // matches newline 
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, @"\A", " \"")) 
    |> (fun s -> Regex.Replace(s, @"\z", " \"")) 
    |> (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
let sql = "select a,b,c \
           from table \
           where a = 1"
val sql : string = "select a,b,c from table where a = 1"
let listList = [[1;2;3;];[4;5;6]] 
let flatten (l: 'a list list) =
    seq {
            yield List.head (List.head l) 
            for a in l do yield! (Seq.skip 1 a) 

    |> List.ofSeq
let inline isNull o = System.Object.ReferenceEquals(o, null)
if isNull o then ... else ...
if o = null then ... else ...
let dl = 9.5 / 11.
let min = 21.5 + dl
let max = 40.5 - dl

let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ]
let b = a.Length