
git通过两个分支之间的差异创建提交,git,Git,我有两个分支,它们几乎没有相似的历史,但彼此相关 我希望在onegit commit中更改这两个选项 这些补丁之间的文件已被删除和创建,我希望补丁能够反映这一点 i、 e:以下内容不起作用: git diff branch_a branch_b -- > patchfile git checkout branch_b git apply patchfile # deletes and adds are ignored git commit # we miss the deletes 一个


我希望在onegit commit中更改这两个选项


i、 e:以下内容不起作用:

git diff branch_a branch_b -- > patchfile
git checkout branch_b
git apply patchfile # deletes and adds are ignored
git commit # we miss the deletes


  • 在分支机构a创建并签出分支机构tmp(
    git branch tmp branch\u a&&git checkout tmp
  • git重置——软分支
  • git提交


  • 有更改
  • 需要更改
  • 您要将更改从

    git checkout -b deleteme has-changes # Create temporary branch to build commit on
    git reset --soft needs-changes       # Move diff into index
    git commit                           # Create the diff patch commit
    git checkout needs-changes           # Switch to branch that needs changes
    git cherry-pick deleteme             # Apply the diff to the needs-changes
    git branch -D deleteme               # Delete the temporary branch

    这一切都归结为一个git reset--soft branch_b


    #Start out on the branch with the code we want
    git checkout branch_a
    #create tmp branch same as branch_a (so that we don't change our local branch_a state during the operation)
    git branch tmp
    #working directory has all the code that we want, on tmp branch
    git checkout tmp
    # Change the branch head to the branch we want to be on. All the delta
    # between the current source code and branch_b is now staged for commit
    git reset --soft branch_b
    # Move away from tmp, so our commit will go directly to branch_b
    git checkout branch_b
    # Now you can examine the proposed commit
    git status
    # Add the delta we want to the branch
    git commit
    # Sanity check that the branches have the same content now (should return an empty line)
    git diff branch_A..branch_b
    # Remove tmp, we don't need it anymore
    git branch -D tmp

    您不需要一个普通的提交,甚至不需要在前面触碰分支。只要试着用gitk做它——当你在新的分支上进行实验时,不管怎样你都可以自由运行。我使用git更准确地工作:git branch tmp branchA&&git checkout tmp&&git reset--soft branchB&&git checkout branchB&&git branchB&&D tmp&&git commitbranch b名称有一个输入错误,应该是
    to_branch\u b
    git reset--soft
    git commit