
GWT编译在IDEA中失败:无法解析UserAgentAsserter,gwt,compilation,intellij-idea,Gwt,Compilation,Intellij Idea,将我的开发环境迁移到一台新的笔记本电脑,并面临以下错误(这从来都不是一个轻松的过程)。 因此,我拥有的是:Windows 8、Intellij Idea 12、GWT 2.5.1,配置了一个简单的工件,它只生成“GWT编译输出””: 但是没有改变,我仍然看到相同的“6个错误”信息 如果您能告诉我为什么会出现这个错误,我将不胜感激。谢谢 UPD. 将我的RichClient.gwt.xml文件的代码缩减为 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &

将我的开发环境迁移到一台新的笔记本电脑,并面临以下错误(这从来都不是一个轻松的过程)。 因此,我拥有的是:Windows 8、Intellij Idea 12、GWT 2.5.1,配置了一个简单的工件,它只生成“



UPD. 将我的RichClient.gwt.xml文件的代码缩减为

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0//EN" "">
<module rename-to='richclient'>
    <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
    <inherits name='' />



 Validating units:
      [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Projects/myProject/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/css3pie-0.1.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/client/'
         [ERROR] Line 19: The import cannot be resolved
         [ERROR] Line 23: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 23: The method create(Class<?>) from the type GWT refers to the missing type UserAgentProperty
         [ERROR] Line 23: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 26: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 26: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 40: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Google Inc.//DTD Google Web Toolkit 2.5.0//EN" "">
<module rename-to='richclient'>
    <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
    <inherits name='' />
 Validating units:
      [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/Projects/myProject/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/css3pie-0.1.jar!/com/google/gwt/user/client/'
         [ERROR] Line 19: The import cannot be resolved
         [ERROR] Line 23: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 23: The method create(Class<?>) from the type GWT refers to the missing type UserAgentProperty
         [ERROR] Line 23: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 26: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 26: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type
         [ERROR] Line 40: UserAgentProperty cannot be resolved to a type