Haskell 是否可能有一个数据类型只有另一个数据类型的一个构造函数?

Haskell 是否可能有一个数据类型只有另一个数据类型的一个构造函数?,haskell,types,constructor,Haskell,Types,Constructor,我有一个非常复杂的数据类型: data SomeDataType = Constructor Blah Blah Blah | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda | YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash data YetAnotherData = YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle d


data SomeDataType = Constructor Blah Blah Blah | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda | YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data YetAnotherData = YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle
data SomeDataType   = Constructor Blah Blah Blah
                    | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda
                    | SomeYetAnotherConstructor {-!-}YetAnotherData
                    -- ! will make this EXACTLY isomorphic to the original 
                    -- but is likely unnecessary 
                    | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data WantedDataType = ConstructorName1 Double
                    | ConstructorName2 {-!-}YetAnotherData

data WantedDataType = ConstructorName1 Double | ConstructorName2 SomeDataType

data WantedDataType = ConstructorName1 Double | ConstructorName2 Yadda Yadda Tittle




data SomeDataType = Constructor Blah Blah Blah | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda | YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data YetAnotherData = YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle
data SomeDataType   = Constructor Blah Blah Blah
                    | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda
                    | SomeYetAnotherConstructor {-!-}YetAnotherData
                    -- ! will make this EXACTLY isomorphic to the original 
                    -- but is likely unnecessary 
                    | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data WantedDataType = ConstructorName1 Double
                    | ConstructorName2 {-!-}YetAnotherData
如果说某个YetAnotherConstructor YetAnotherConstructor和ConstructorName2 YetAnotherData让你很恼火,我想你会认为这会让你回到原点:

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

pattern SomeYetAnother :: Yadda -> Yadda -> Tittle -> SomeDataType
pattern SomeYetAnother x y z = SomeYetAnotherConstructor (YetAnotherConstructor x y z)
{-# COMPLETE Constructor, OtherConstructor, SomeYetAnother, StillOneMoreConstructor #-}

pattern WantedYetAnother :: Yadda -> Yadda -> Tittle -> WantedDataType
pattern WantedYetAnother x y z = ConstructorName2 (YetAnotherConstructor x y z)
{-# COMPLETE ConstructorName1, WantedYetAnother #-}

someToWantedByYet :: SomeDataType -> Maybe WantedDataType
someToWantedByYet (SomeYetAnotherConstructor y) = Just $ ConstructorName2 y
someToWantedByYet _ = Nothing
wantedToSomeByYet :: WantedDataType -> Maybe SomeDataType
wantedToSomeByYet (ConstructorName2 y) = Just $ SomeYetAnotherConstructor y
wantedToSomeByYet _ = Nothing

data SomeDataType = Constructor Blah Blah Blah | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda | YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data YetAnotherData = YetAnotherConstructor Yadda Yadda Tittle
data SomeDataType   = Constructor Blah Blah Blah
                    | OtherConstructor Blah Yadda
                    | SomeYetAnotherConstructor {-!-}YetAnotherData
                    -- ! will make this EXACTLY isomorphic to the original 
                    -- but is likely unnecessary 
                    | StillOneMoreConstructor Tittle Tattle Wish Wash
data WantedDataType = ConstructorName1 Double
                    | ConstructorName2 {-!-}YetAnotherData
如果说某个YetAnotherConstructor YetAnotherConstructor和ConstructorName2 YetAnotherData让你很恼火,我想你会认为这会让你回到原点:

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

pattern SomeYetAnother :: Yadda -> Yadda -> Tittle -> SomeDataType
pattern SomeYetAnother x y z = SomeYetAnotherConstructor (YetAnotherConstructor x y z)
{-# COMPLETE Constructor, OtherConstructor, SomeYetAnother, StillOneMoreConstructor #-}

pattern WantedYetAnother :: Yadda -> Yadda -> Tittle -> WantedDataType
pattern WantedYetAnother x y z = ConstructorName2 (YetAnotherConstructor x y z)
{-# COMPLETE ConstructorName1, WantedYetAnother #-}

someToWantedByYet :: SomeDataType -> Maybe WantedDataType
someToWantedByYet (SomeYetAnotherConstructor y) = Just $ ConstructorName2 y
someToWantedByYet _ = Nothing
wantedToSomeByYet :: WantedDataType -> Maybe SomeDataType
wantedToSomeByYet (ConstructorName2 y) = Just $ SomeYetAnotherConstructor y
wantedToSomeByYet _ = Nothing
