Hibernate Grails集成测试错误具有相同标识符值的不同对象已与会话关联

Hibernate Grails集成测试错误具有相同标识符值的不同对象已与会话关联,hibernate,grails,gorm,Hibernate,Grails,Gorm,我有以下集成测试: @Integration @Rollback class IndustryDataServiceSpec extends Specification { @Shared Sector techSector Industry AI Industry HCI def industryDataService def setup() { techSector = new Sector(name: "Technol



class IndustryDataServiceSpec extends Specification {

    Sector techSector
    Industry AI
    Industry HCI
    def industryDataService

    def setup() {

        techSector = new Sector(name: "Technology")
        techSector.save(flush: true)
        AI = new Industry(name: "Artificial Intelligence")
        HCI = new Industry(name: "HCI")


    def "attach the sector to the industry"() {

        when: "the industry is saved"

        def messageAI = industryDataService.insertIndustry(AI)
        def messageHCI = industryDataService.insertIndustry(HCI)

        then: "the industry should be saved and render the message"
        messageAI == AI.name + " has been saved"
        messageHCI == HCI.name + " has been saved"

    def "get the industries which match the sector"() {
        given: "a sector name"
        String tech = "Technology"

        when: "get the industries"
        def industryList = industryDataService.getIndustriesToSector(tech)

        then: "only the industries which are within this sector should be returned"
        industryList.size == 2

    def cleaup() {
        AI.delete(flush: true)
        HCI.delete(flush: true)
        techSector.delete(flush: true)


def insertIndustry(Industry newIndustry) {

    def message
    if (newIndustry != null) {
        if (newIndustry.validate()) {
            newIndustry.save(flush: true)
            message = newIndustry.name + " has been saved"
        } else {
            message = newIndustry.name + " is not valid"
    } else {

        message = "Insert a Industry"

    return message

org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException: A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : 