Hibernate 用于grails标准投影的Mysql group_concat替代方案

Hibernate 用于grails标准投影的Mysql group_concat替代方案,hibernate,grails,criteria,group-concat,Hibernate,Grails,Criteria,Group Concat,假设我有两个简单的域类: class A { String name static hasMany = [bs: B] } class B { String title } 现在,我想生成一个如下结构的项目列表: // id of A instance, name of A instance, comma separated list of Bs titles associated to A istance 1, "A1", "B1, B2" 2, "A2", "B


class A {
    String name

    static hasMany = [bs: B]

class B {
    String title

// id of A instance, name of A instance, comma separated list of Bs titles associated to A istance
1, "A1", "B1, B2"
2, "A2", "B2, B5"

def list = A.withCriteria {
    createAlias 'bs', 'bs', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN

    projections {
        property 'id'
        property 'name'

        property 'bs.title' // this is the interesting line

1, "A1", "B1"
2, "A2", "B2"
现在,现实生活中的场景有点复杂,我已经简化了,这就是:我如何才能在bs标题中获得与mysql group_concat相同的效果



    def list = A.withCriteria {
        createAlias 'bs', 'bs', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN
        projections {
            property 'id'
            property 'name'
            property 'bs.title' // this is the interesting line

        order "id", "asc"
        order "bs.title", "asc"

    def a = new A(name: "TestA1").save()
    def a1 = new A(name: "TestA2").save()

    def b1 = new B(title: "TitleB1")
    def b2 = new B(title: "TitleB2")
    def b3 = new B(title: "TitleB3")

    def b4 = new B(title: "TitleB4")
    def b5 = new B(title: "TitleB5")

    [b1, b2, b3].each{a.addToBs(it)}
    [b2, b4, b5].each{a1.addToBs(it)}

    [a, a1]*.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)

//This can be optimized
list.groupBy({[it[0], it[1]]})

//Would give
[[1, TestA1]:[[1, TestA1, TitleB1], [1, TestA1, TitleB2], [1, TestA1, TitleB3]], 
 [2, TestA2]:[[2, TestA2, TitleB2], [2, TestA2, TitleB4], [2, TestA2, TitleB5]]


class A {
    String name
    static hasMany = [bs: B]

    def childrenString() {
        B.findAllByParent(this).collect{ it.title }.join(',')

class B {
    static belongsTo = A
    A parent
    String title
    static constraints = {

A.list().each  { it ->
    println "${it.name}, ${it.childrenString()}"

我忘了提到,我正在寻找一种不使用mysql group_concat函数的方法。我能够获得所有关联,使用内存数据库作为列表。一些额外的收集工具会得到你想要的<代码>[[1,测试1,标题1],[1,测试1,标题2],[1,测试1,标题3],[2,测试2,标题2],[2,测试2,标题4],[2,测试2,标题5]。这种行为是MySql特有的吗?你能在内存数据库中的H2中测试这些信息吗?@dmahapatro你如何检索这些信息?用一个单独的查询?如何合并这两个结果?请随意发布答案。这是一个可能的解决方案,但我不太喜欢在域类中保留一些表示逻辑。您可以将其放置在服务中并调用itThanks,但输出的格式不是我需要的格式。此外,这些并不是我从A中需要的唯一信息,因为我说过标准要复杂得多,我的示例非常简单,您的解决方案创建的数据结构要比需要的复杂得多。