Html Float:right命令从底部删除页脚

Html Float:right命令从底部删除页脚,html,css,Html,Css,在这个页面上,我的目标是将广告和咨询图片移到该段的右侧 主页有: <div class="serviceinfo">I am Not a Communist is now proud to offer a new range of digital video and media services to you and your business. We're calling it INC Pro. <p>We are a



<div class="serviceinfo">I am Not a Communist is now proud to offer a new range of digital video and media services to you and your business. We're calling it INC Pro.
<p>We are able to meet and focus with our clients on finding customizable solutions that are specific to their exact needs and objectives.
<p>We encompass the expertise and capabilities to create professional quality media; offering a number of services ranging from pre 
through post production consultation, shooting and capturing, editing, color matching, audio leveling and digital mastering. 
<p>Please contact us for a quote or more information at <?php echo $adminemail; ?>  or call at <?php echo $phonenum; ?>.

<div class="adconsul"><img src="media/advert.png" width="350" height="120"/></div>


尝试在.serviceinfo类中添加一个float:right 在浮动div之后,您需要使用以下命令

<div style="clear:both;"></div>

我在serviceinfo中放了一个float:left,在.adconsul中放了一个float right。这起到了让他们靠边站的作用。“清除”是如何防止页脚出现的?谢谢你的帮助btwclear:这两种方法都可以重置整个浮动的东西。我不确定细节,但当你左右浮动div时,当你完成时,你需要做一个清除。下一个女主角将在他们自己的剧组里,我明白。再次感谢,我真的很感激。
<div style="clear:both;"></div>