Html 在第三方页面中集成JSF页面

Html 在第三方页面中集成JSF页面,html,jsf,Html,Jsf,我想做以下工作: a) 我有一个第三方页面:[ b) 我有一个JSF应用程序:[ 您的问题在内容和格式方面都不清楚。您能改进这两个方面吗?如果我理解正确,那么您希望在另一个网站中显示来自一个网站的内容吗?是的,正确…我可以使用…但据我所知,iframe有时会被阻止。此外,我如何获取参数(123456789)从添加到我的应用程序?查看如何正确添加iframe(),您已经确定,但我如何将123456789传输到我的应用程序?…我如何从第三方页面获取


a) 我有一个第三方页面:[

b) 我有一个JSF应用程序:[

My JSF application has also a customer portal and individual HTML forms. 

I want to have now to integration processes in the 3 party page

a) Customer Portal:

This customer portal I would like to integrate in the a) 3 party page. 
Example: User will open: [][3]
-> The user is still his own page, but the content is from the application page.
-> My application has many users, so therefore I need a ID from the customerPortal page.
E.g. `ID = 123456789` belongs to user1 from my application. 
An idea would be to have a code snippet in the 3 party page to get an iframe.

b) Individual form:

The user from the 3 party page can send an individual url to his customer. Afterwards the HTML code will be showing in this page, but the content for this page is from my app.

User will send [][4]
-> 123456789 is the ID from the FORM which I have in my database
-> Will call a Web service and will return the HTML from my application.

Any ideas how I can do this?
