
批处理或powershell中的html抓取,html,powershell,batch-file,web-scraping,Html,Powershell,Batch File,Web Scraping,我需要抓取一个网站的html,它是从一个.url文件启动的,然后找到某一行,并抓取它下面的每一行到某一点。html代码的示例如下所示: (无)授权管理员和用户授权管理员:; 吉姆(你) 密码:;(空白/无) 上下快速移动 密码:;Littl3@birD 蝙蝠侠 密码:;3ndur4N(e&;home) 轻而快地擦掉 密码:;船长 授权用户:; 纸袋 蟹 奥利弗 詹姆斯 斯科特 厕所 苹果 竞争指引 我需要将所有授权管理员放入一个txt文件中,将授权用户


  • (无)
    • 授权管理员和用户授权管理员:; 吉姆(你) 密码:;(空白/无) 上下快速移动 密码:;Littl3@birD 蝙蝠侠 密码:;3ndur4N(e&;home) 轻而快地擦掉 密码:;船长 授权用户:; 纸袋 蟹 奥利弗 詹姆斯 斯科特 厕所 苹果 竞争指引




Name      UserType     
----      --------     
jim (you) Administrator
bob       Administrator
batman    Administrator
dab       Administrator
bag       User         
crab      User         
oliver    User         
james     User         
scott     User         
john      User         
apple     User

Name   Type  Password      
----   ----  --------      
jim    Admin (blank/none)  
bob    Admin Littl3@birD   
batman Admin 3ndur4N(e&home
dab    Admin captain 


Name   Type
----   ----
bag    User
crab   User
oliver User
james  User
scott  User
john   User
apple  User

Name   Type  Password      
----   ----  --------      
jim    Admin (blank/none)  
bob    Admin Littl3@birD   
batman Admin 3ndur4N(e&home
dab    Admin captain       
bag    User                
crab   User                
oliver User                
james  User                
scott  User                
john   User                
apple  User 
# $html is assumed to contain the input HTML text (can be a full document).
$admins, $users = (
  # Split the HTML text into the sections of interest.
  $html -split
    '\A.*<b>Authorized Administrators&#58;</b>|<b>Authorized Users&#58;</b>' `
    -ne '' `
    -replace '<.*'
  # Extract admin lines and user lines each, as an array.
  , ($_ -split '\r?\n' -ne '')

# Clean up the $admins array and transform the username-password pairs
# into custom objects with .username and .password properties.
$admins = $admins -split '\s+password&#58;\s+' -ne ''
$i = 0;
  if ($i++ % 2 -eq 0) { $co = [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' } } 
  else { $co.password = $_; $co } 

# Create custom objects with the same structure for the users.
$users = $users.ForEach({
  [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' }

# Output to CSV files.
$admins | Export-Csv admins.csv
$users | Export-Csv users.csv
$admins + $users | Export-Csv all.csv

Name   Type  Password      
----   ----  --------      
jim    Admin (blank/none)  
bob    Admin Littl3@birD   
batman Admin 3ndur4N(e&home
dab    Admin captain       
bag    User                
crab   User                
oliver User                
james  User                
scott  User                
john   User                
apple  User 
# $html is assumed to contain the input HTML text (can be a full document).
$admins, $users = (
  # Split the HTML text into the sections of interest.
  $html -split
    '\A.*<b>Authorized Administrators&#58;</b>|<b>Authorized Users&#58;</b>' `
    -ne '' `
    -replace '<.*'
  # Extract admin lines and user lines each, as an array.
  , ($_ -split '\r?\n' -ne '')

# Clean up the $admins array and transform the username-password pairs
# into custom objects with .username and .password properties.
$admins = $admins -split '\s+password&#58;\s+' -ne ''
$i = 0;
  if ($i++ % 2 -eq 0) { $co = [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' } } 
  else { $co.password = $_; $co } 

# Create custom objects with the same structure for the users.
$users = $users.ForEach({
  [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' }

# Output to CSV files.
$admins | Export-Csv admins.csv
$users | Export-Csv users.csv
$admins + $users | Export-Csv all.csv



# $html is assumed to contain the input HTML text (can be a full document).
$admins, $users = (
  # Split the HTML text into the sections of interest.
  $html -split
    '\A.*<b>Authorized Administrators&#58;</b>|<b>Authorized Users&#58;</b>' `
    -ne '' `
    -replace '<.*'
  # Extract admin lines and user lines each, as an array.
  , ($_ -split '\r?\n' -ne '')

# Clean up the $admins array and transform the username-password pairs
# into custom objects with .username and .password properties.
$admins = $admins -split '\s+password&#58;\s+' -ne ''
$i = 0;
  if ($i++ % 2 -eq 0) { $co = [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' } } 
  else { $co.password = $_; $co } 

# Create custom objects with the same structure for the users.
$users = $users.ForEach({
  [pscustomobject] @{ username = $_; password = '' }

# Output to CSV files.
$admins | Export-Csv admins.csv
$users | Export-Csv users.csv
$admins + $users | Export-Csv all.csv