elasticsearch-2.0,Ibm Cloud,Cloud Foundry,Kibana 4,elasticsearch 2.0" /> elasticsearch-2.0,Ibm Cloud,Cloud Foundry,Kibana 4,elasticsearch 2.0" />

Ibm cloud 如何在IBMBluemixPaaS上运行Kibana4.4.1

Ibm cloud 如何在IBMBluemixPaaS上运行Kibana4.4.1,ibm-cloud,cloud-foundry,kibana-4,elasticsearch-2.0,Ibm Cloud,Cloud Foundry,Kibana 4,elasticsearch 2.0,我试图在IBMBluemixPaaS上运行Kibana4.4.1作为nodejs应用程序。在我的实现中,我使用cloudfoundry连接到PaaS云 我能够使用以下步骤在PaaS上运行Kibana4.1.1 > Download Kibana from here to your personal desktop: > https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-4.1.1-windows.zip > Extract the



> Download Kibana from here to your personal desktop:
> https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-4.1.1-windows.zip
> Extract the files using WinZip and navigate to /src/config/index.js
> Modify the following line from:
> // Set defaults for config file stuff
> kibana.port = kibana.port || 5601;
> To the following:
> kibana.port = process.env.PORT || 5601;

> Once the change has been made save the file.

> Navigate to the folder /src/ and create a new file called manifest.yml. The contents of this file should be the following:

> ---
> applications:
>  - name: %name%
>    host: %name%
>    memory: %memory%
>    domain: xyz.hfhf.mybluemix.net
>    instances: 1
>    command: node ./bin/kibana.js
>    env:
>      NODE_ENV: production
>      CONFIG_PATH: ./config/kibana.yml

> This file will tell Blue Mix how to run this application once uploaded. The %name% should be the same as the application name within Blue Mix. For %memory% use an increment of 128M, 256M, 512M.

> Navigate to the folder /src/config/ and open the file kibana.yml. Add the following lines to the end of the file:

> bundled_plugin_ids:
>  - plugins/dashboard/index
>  - plugins/discover/index
>  - plugins/doc/index
>  - plugins/kibana/index
>  - plugins/markdown_vis/index
>  - plugins/metric_vis/index
>  - plugins/settings/index
>  - plugins/table_vis/index
>  - plugins/vis_types/index
>  - plugins/visualize/index

> In the same file we need to update the variable “elasticsearch_url” to point to the virtual machine’s IP:

> elasticsearch_url: "http://<Virtual Machine IP>:9200"

> Save the file when finished.

> Download the Cloud Foundary Command Line Interface (CF CLI) here:

> https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli/releases

> Once CF CLI has been installed follow the steps from the webpage we need to connect to Blue Mix. Open up command prompt on your computer by navigating to Start -> Run and typing in “CMD”:


> To connect to Blue Mix use the command “cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net”:

> Log in to Blue Mix “cf login –u user_name –o org_name –s space_name”:

> User_name is your login for Blue Mix
> Org_name is the organization that will house the application(s)
> Space_name is the folder which the application will be stored

> To upload the application use the command cf push in the following syntax “cf push appname –m 512m”

> When pushing the application make sure the directory is the /src/ folder of kibana.



- name: %name_of_app%
  memory: 512M
  host: %name_of_app%
  domain: %name_of_domain%
web: bin/kibana --port $PORT

- name: %name_of_app%
  memory: 512M
  host: %name_of_app%
  domain: %name_of_domain%
web: bin/kibana --port $PORT


我还添加了整个错误stacktraceLooks,就像它运行的是npm start而不是您在manifest.yml中设置的命令,因此失败了,因为您的package.json中没有启动脚本。可能在package.json中添加启动脚本,而不是使用manifest.yml中的command属性。谢谢,但是kibana 4.4.2中没有