Ide 在vim中设置垂直窗口的最大大小

Ide 在vim中设置垂直窗口的最大大小,ide,editor,vim,Ide,Editor,Vim,在使用拆分窗口时,我经常使用该命令使所有窗口的大小相等。不过,我也在垂直窗口中使用迷你缓冲区资源管理器,我希望最大宽度保持在25。是否有任何方法可以配置vim,使mini buffer explorer窗口不重新调整大小或保持最大宽度25 谢谢 你能行 :set winfixwidth 在你想要保持不变的窗口中 看 以下是minibufexpl.vim的一部分: " If you would like a vertical explorer you can assi

在使用拆分窗口时,我经常使用该命令使所有窗口的大小相等。不过,我也在垂直窗口中使用迷你缓冲区资源管理器,我希望最大宽度保持在25。是否有任何方法可以配置vim,使mini buffer explorer窗口不重新调整大小或保持最大宽度25



:set winfixwidth


"               If you would like a vertical explorer you can assign the column
"               width (in characters) you want for your explorer window with the
"               following .vimrc variable (this was introduced in 6.3.0):
"                 let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 20   " column width in chars
"               IN HORIZONTAL MODE:
"               It is now (as of 6.1.1) possible to set a maximum height for
"               the -MiniBufExplorer- window. You can set the max height by
"               letting the following variable in your .vimrc:
"                 let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = <max lines: defualt 0>
"               setting this to 0 will mean the window gets as big as
"               needed to fit all your buffers. 
“let g:miniBufExplVSplit=20”列宽(以字符为单位)


谢谢!其实这个问题困扰了我很长时间。为了使迷你缓冲区资源管理器在每次启动vim时都具有固定的高度,只需在plugin/minibufexpl.vim的第701行“call DEBUG('Completed StartExplorer(),10)”之前添加一行“set winfixheight”。
"               If you would like a vertical explorer you can assign the column
"               width (in characters) you want for your explorer window with the
"               following .vimrc variable (this was introduced in 6.3.0):
"                 let g:miniBufExplVSplit = 20   " column width in chars
"               IN HORIZONTAL MODE:
"               It is now (as of 6.1.1) possible to set a maximum height for
"               the -MiniBufExplorer- window. You can set the max height by
"               letting the following variable in your .vimrc:
"                 let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = <max lines: defualt 0>
"               setting this to 0 will mean the window gets as big as
"               needed to fit all your buffers.