Ios 如何在Swift中构造多个HTTP请求?

Ios 如何在Swift中构造多个HTTP请求?,ios,swift,httprequest,Ios,Swift,Httprequest,我对Swift和编程完全是新手。我非常热衷于学习所有正确的方法。因此,任何额外的提示或评论都是非常感谢的 我正在对api执行HTTP请求,这很好。问题是,每个请求只能得到100个结果。我可以设置一个可选的偏移量和限制。如果我将限制设置为101,则会出现一个服务器错误:“请求错误:为限制指定的值无效。允许的最大值为100。”总数为101,因此我需要至少执行两个请求。只有在收到所有请求的总数据后,我才想填充我的tableview。这就是我所拥有的: class Book { var id: Int



class Book {

var id: Int
var title: String
let description: String
var coverImage: String
var isbn: String
var publisherID: Int
var publisherName: String
var authorID: Int
var authorFirstName: String
var authorLastName: String

class func getDataFromJson(completionHandler: ([Book]) -> ()) {

    var books = [Book]()

    let session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration())

    let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)

    let task: NSURLSessionDataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) -> Void in

        if let data = data {

            do {
                let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .AllowFragments)

                if let booksFromResult = json["books"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
                    for book in booksFromResult {
                        let bookID = book["id"] as! Int
                        let bookTitle = book["title"] as! String
                        let bookDescription = book["description"] as! String
                        let bookCoverImage = book["cover_url"] as! String
                        let bookISBN = book["isbn"] as! String
                        if let bookPublisher = book["publisher"] as? [String: AnyObject] {
                            let bookPublisherID = bookPublisher["id"] as! Int
                            let bookPublisherName = bookPublisher["name"] as! String
                            if let bookAuthor = book["author"] as? [String: AnyObject] {
                                let bookAuthorID = bookAuthor["id"] as! Int
                                let bookAuthorFirstname = bookAuthor["first_name"] as! String
                                let bookAuthorLastName = bookAuthor["last_name"] as! String
                                books.append(Book(id: bookID, title: bookTitle, description: bookDescription, coverImage: bookCoverImage, isbn: bookISBN, publisherID: bookPublisherID, publisherName: bookPublisherName, authorID: bookAuthorID, authorFirstName: bookAuthorFirstname, authorLastName: bookAuthorLastName))


            } catch {
                print("error serializing JSON: \(error)")


init(id: Int, title: String, description: String, coverImage: String, isbn: String, publisherID: Int, publisherName: String, authorID: Int, authorFirstName: String, authorLastName: String) { = id
    self.title = title
    self.description = description
    self.coverImage = coverImage
    self.isbn = isbn
    self.publisherID = publisherID
    self.publisherName = publisherName
    self.authorID = authorID
    self.authorFirstName = authorFirstName
    self.authorLastName = authorLastName


  • 发出第一个请求->在某处存储数据
  • 发出第二个请求->向存储的数据添加数据
  • 发出最后一个请求->向存储的数据添加数据
  • 发送数据以填充tableview
  • 我应该使用URL数组并进行迭代吗 通过它,然后将数据附加到某个地方



    // Heavily based on the video I recommended. Watch it for a great explanation
    struct Resource<A>{
        let url: NSURL
        let parse: (NSData) -> [A]?
    extension Book {
        // You could figure a way to dynamically populate this based on limiting
        static let urls = [NSURL(string: "")!,
                           NSURL(string: "")!]
        // Creates an array of Requests passing in each url for the url, but the same parse function
        static let requests = { Resource<Book>(url: $0, parse: Book.parse) }
        // Used by Webservice (from the Resource struct) to parse the data into a Book
        static let parse: (NSData?) -> [Book]? = { data in
            guard let data = data else { return nil }
            guard let json = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .AllowFragments) else {
                print("Error deserializing json.")
                return nil
            var books: [Book]? = nil
            guard let jsonBooks = json["books"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] else { return nil }
            for jsonBook in jsonBooks {
                guard let book = Book(fromJson: jsonBook) else { continue } // skips nil books from failable initializer, depends on how you want to handle that
                books = books ?? [Book]() // if nil create a new array, if not use the old one
            return books
    class Webservice {
        // A stands for a generic type. You could add a type called Publisher later and use the same function
        // This adopted from the video I showed you so it's a little more in depth
        func loadAll<A>(resources: [Resource<A>], completion: [A] -> ()) {
            let session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration())
            var currentRequest = 0 // used to keep track of asynchronous callback order
            var allA = [A]()
            for resource in resources {
                session.dataTaskWithURL(resource.url) { (data, _, _) in
                    defer {
                        currentRequest += 1 // marks that we're done with one request
                        // This check ensures that we only call the completion handler
                        // after we're done with the last request
                        if currentRequest == resources.count {
                    guard let data = data else { return }
                    // this parse function comes from the resource struct passed in.
                    // It converts the data we get back from one request into an array of books.
                    guard let manyA = resource.parse(data) else { return }
                    // This is the total running tally of books from all our requests.
    class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
        var books = [Book]() {
            didSet { tableView.reloadData() }
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // Call site
            Webservice().loadAll(Book.requests) { [weak self] (books) in
                dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        //... all your normal methods for cells and stuff
    class Book {
        var id: Int
        var title: String
        let description: String
        var coverImage: String
        var isbn: String
        var publisherID: Int
        var publisherName: String
        var authorID: Int
        var authorFirstName: String
        var authorLastName: String
        init(id: Int, title: String, description: String, coverImage: String, isbn: String, publisherID: Int, publisherName: String, authorID: Int, authorFirstName: String, authorLastName: String) {
   = id
            self.title = title
            self.description = description
            self.coverImage = coverImage
            self.isbn = isbn
            self.publisherID = publisherID
            self.publisherName = publisherName
            self.authorID = authorID
            self.authorFirstName = authorFirstName
            self.authorLastName = authorLastName
        typealias JSONDictionary = [String: AnyObject] // syntactic sugar, makes it clearer
        convenience init?(fromJson json: JSONDictionary) {
            let bookID = json["id"] as! Int
            let bookTitle = json["title"] as! String
            let bookDescription = json["description"] as! String
            let bookCoverImage = json["cover_url"] as! String
            let bookISBN = json["isbn"] as! String
            // I would use guard let else statements here to avoid the pyramid of doom but it's stylistic
            if let bookPublisher = json["publisher"] as? [String: AnyObject] {
                let bookPublisherID = bookPublisher["id"] as! Int
                let bookPublisherName = bookPublisher["name"] as! String
                if let bookAuthor = json["author"] as? [String: AnyObject] {
                    let bookAuthorID = bookAuthor["id"] as! Int
                    let bookAuthorFirstname = bookAuthor["first_name"] as! String
                    let bookAuthorLastName = bookAuthor["last_name"] as! String
                    self.init(id: bookID, title: bookTitle, description: bookDescription, coverImage: bookCoverImage, isbn: bookISBN, publisherID: bookPublisherID, publisherName: bookPublisherName, authorID: bookAuthorID, authorFirstName: bookAuthorFirstname, authorLastName: bookAuthorLastName)
            return nil
    extension Book {
        class func getDataFromJson(completionHandler: ([Book]) -> ()) {
            var books = [Book]()
            let session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration())
            let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "")!)
            let task: NSURLSessionDataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) -> Void in
                defer { // no matter how you exit the scope this will be called
                    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
                guard let data = data else { return } // still will call the deferred completion handler
                guard let json = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .AllowFragments) else {
                    print("Error deserializing json.")
                    return // still will call the deferred completion handler
                if let jsonBooks = json["books"] as? [[String: AnyObject]] {
                    for jsonBook in jsonBooks {
                        guard let book = Book(fromJson: jsonBook) else { continue } // skips nil books from failable initializer, depends on how you want to handle that
            // call the deferred completion handler after leaving scope