Jakarta ee 原因:com.ibm.websphere.ce.j2c.ConnectionWaitTimeoutException:连接不可用,等待180008超时

Jakarta ee 原因:com.ibm.websphere.ce.j2c.ConnectionWaitTimeoutException:连接不可用,等待180008超时,jakarta-ee,websphere,database-connection,connection-pooling,connection-timeout,Jakarta Ee,Websphere,Database Connection,Connection Pooling,Connection Timeout,我正在IBM WAS 7.0上运行我的多线程Struts应用程序,在峰值负载期间出现以下异常。最初,我将最大连接数配置为50,连接等待时间配置为180秒,但当我出现此错误时,我在做了大量的谷歌搜索以修复此问题后,将最大连接数更改为70,连接等待时间更改为600秒,但有时在峰值负载期间仍会出现此错误 原因:com.ibm.websphere.ce.j2c.ConnectionWaitTimeoutException:连接不可用,等待180008超时 请任何人帮我一下。可能有几个不同的问题会导致连接

我正在IBM WAS 7.0上运行我的多线程Struts应用程序,在峰值负载期间出现以下异常。最初,我将最大连接数配置为50,连接等待时间配置为180秒,但当我出现此错误时,我在做了大量的谷歌搜索以修复此问题后,将最大连接数更改为70,连接等待时间更改为600秒,但有时在峰值负载期间仍会出现此错误





<connectionPool xmi:id="ConnectionPool_10000025" connectionTimeout="180" maxConnections="10" minConnections="1" reapTime="180" unusedTimeout="1800" agedTimeout="0" purgePolicy="EntirePool" numberOfSharedPoolPartitions="0" numberOfUnsharedPoolPartitions="0" numberOfFreePoolPartitions="0" freePoolDistributionTableSize="0" surgeThreshold="-1" surgeCreationInterval="0" testConnection="false" testConnectionInterval="0" stuckTimerTime="0" stuckTime="0" stuckThreshold="0"/>






<connectionPool xmi:id="ConnectionPool_10000025" connectionTimeout="180" maxConnections="10" minConnections="1" reapTime="180" unusedTimeout="1800" agedTimeout="0" purgePolicy="EntirePool" numberOfSharedPoolPartitions="0" numberOfUnsharedPoolPartitions="0" numberOfFreePoolPartitions="0" freePoolDistributionTableSize="0" surgeThreshold="-1" surgeCreationInterval="0" testConnection="false" testConnectionInterval="0" stuckTimerTime="0" stuckTime="0" stuckThreshold="0"/>









* Control connection pool sharing.
  You can use the defaultConnectionTypeOverride or globalConnectionTypeOverride connection pool custom property for a particular connection factory or data source to control connection sharing:
      o The defaultConnectionTypeOverride property changes the default sharing value for a connection pool. This property enables you to control connection sharing for direct queries. If resource references are configured for this data source or connection factory the resource reference's configurations take precedence over the defaultConnectionTypeOverride property settings. For example, if an application is doing direct queries and unshared connections are needed, set the defaultConnectionTypeOverride property to unshared.
      o The value specified for the globalConnectionTypeOverride custom property takes precedence over all of the other connection sharing settings. For example if you set this property to unshared, all connection requests are unshared for both direct queries and resource reference lookups. This property provides you with a quick way to test the consequences of moving all connections for a particular data source or connection factory to unshared or shared without changing any resource reference setting.

  If you specify values for both the defaultConnectionTypeOverride and the globalConnectionTypeOverride properties, only the values specified for the globalConnectionTypeOverride property are used to determine connection sharing type.
  To add these new custom properties to the settings for a data source or connection factory connection pool, a new connection pool custom property must be created. To add one of these properties to a data source, use the administrative console. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources > select your data source from the list Additional properties > Connection pool properties > Connection pool custom properties > New. For other J2C or JMS connection factories, navigate to the connection factory definition in the administrative console. Then select Additional Properties > Connection pool > Connection pool custom properties > New. Now specify defaultConnectionTypeOverride or globalConnectionTypeOverride in the Name field and shared or unshared in the Value field.
  Important: The properties must be set in the Connection pool custom properties and not the general Custom propeties on the data source or connection factory.