Javascript 使用原型创建依赖于旧构造函数的新构造函数的最佳方法

Javascript 使用原型创建依赖于旧构造函数的新构造函数的最佳方法,javascript,constructor,clone,prototype,Javascript,Constructor,Clone,Prototype,假设我有以下构造函数,我对其原型进行了如下修改: function foo(options) { this.propA_ = 'whatever'; this.propB_ = 'something'; this.propC_ = options.stuff; this.randomMethod = function omg() { /*code etc etc etc*/ } } foo.prototype.p1 = 1; foo.prototype.p2 = 2


function foo(options) {
  this.propA_ = 'whatever';
  this.propB_ = 'something';
  this.propC_ = options.stuff;
  this.randomMethod = function omg() {
    /*code etc etc etc*/

foo.prototype.p1 = 1;
foo.prototype.p2 = 2;

function foo(options) {
  this.propA_ = 'whatever';
  this.propB_ = 'something';
  this.propC_ = options.stuff;
  this.randomMethod = function omg() {
    /*code etc etc etc*/

foo.prototype.p1 = 1;
foo.prototype.p2 = 2;

function bar(options) {
  this = foo(options);
  this.propD_ = 'yet another thing';
  this.propE_ = options.moreStuff;

bar.prototype.p3 = 3;
foo.prototype.testing = 'A test';

smallObj = foo()'
bigObj = bar();

console.log(a.p3); //3

bigObj.p2 = 100;
console.log(bigObj.p2); //100
console.log(foo.prototype.p2); //2

console.log(bigObj.randomMethod()); //Will work
console.log(smallObj.p3); //undefined
console.log(smallObj.propA_); //'whatever'
console.log(bigObj.propA_); //'whatever'

foo.prototype.propA_ = 'something totally different'
console.log(bigObj.propA_); //'something totally different'

这是一种“扩展”现有构造函数功能的正确方法吗?它是一种“Foo Plus”。基本上,我希望foo继续像bar()出现之前一样工作,但是bar是一组添加到foo之上的属性和方法。我这样做对了吗?


function foo(options) {
    this.propA_ = 'whatever';
    this.propB_ = 'something';
    this.propC_ = options.stuff;
    this.randomMethod = function omg() {
        /*code etc etc etc*/
foo.prototype.p1 = 1;
foo.prototype.p2 = 2;

function bar(options) {
    //this = new foo(options);
    var parent = new foo(options);
    this.prototype = parent.prototype;

    for (var x in parent) {
        if (parent.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
            console.log('iterating past'+x);
            this[x] = parent[x];

    this.propD_ = 'yet another thing';
    this.propE_ = options.moreStuff;
// Make `bar` inherit from an instance of `foo`
bar.prototype = Object.create(foo.prototype);

// Add properties to the bar prototype
bar.prototype.p3 = 3;

// Not sure what you were doing here
//foo.prototype.testing = 'A test';

var myOpts = {
    stuff: 'a cat',
    moreStuff: 'many dogs'

var smallObj = new foo(myOpts);
var bigObj = new bar(myOpts);

console.log(smallObj.p2); //2

console.log(bigObj.p2); //2
bigObj.p2 = 100;
console.log(bigObj.p2); //100
console.log(foo.prototype.p2); //2

//console.log(bigObj.randomMethod()); //Will work
console.log(smallObj.p3); //undefined
console.log(smallObj.propA_); //'whatever'
console.log(bigObj.propA_); //'whatever'

foo.prototype.propA_ = 'something totally different';
console.log(bigObj.propA_); //'whatever'



var goog = {};
 * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
 * @param {Function} childCtor Child class.
 * @param {Function} parentCtor Parent class.
goog.inherits = function (childCtor, parentCtor) {
    /** @constructor */
    function tempCtor() { };
    tempCtor.prototype = parentCtor.prototype;
    childCtor.superClass_ = parentCtor.prototype;
    childCtor.prototype = new tempCtor();
    childCtor.prototype.constructor = childCtor;
/** @constructor */
var GrandParent = function (arg1) {
    window['console'].log("grandparent constructor called with arg1:", arg1);
GrandParent.prototype.doSomething = function () {
    return "From GrandParent";
/** @constructor */
var Parent = function (arg1, arg2) {, arg1);
    window['console'].log("parent constructor called with arg1:", arg1);
    window['console'].log("parent constructor called with arg2:", arg2);
goog.inherits(Parent, GrandParent);
/** @override */
Parent.prototype.doSomething = function () {
    return Parent.superClass_.doSomething() + " From Parent";
/** @constructor 
* @extends Parent */
var Child = function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {, arg1, arg2);
    window['console'].log("child constructor called with arg1:", arg1);
    window['console'].log("child constructor called with arg2:", arg2);
    window['console'].log("child constructor called with arg3:", arg3);
goog.inherits(Child, Parent);
/** @override */
Child.prototype.doSomething = function () {
    return Child.superClass_.doSomething() + " From Child";

var c = new Child("arg1", "arg2", "arg3");

this.something=“my instance value”