Javascript 无法滚动到按id查看(平滑)-HTML/JS

Javascript 无法滚动到按id查看(平滑)-HTML/JS,javascript,html,Javascript,Html,我有这个点击锚标签: 但是点击后,它应该会转到id是谁的地方,但实际上它什么都不做,它会跳回到页面的开头,当然这不是预期的行为 我知道我的JS连接正确,因为我可以使用同一脚本中的onclick方法启动其他函数。所以,一定是函数工作不正常。也许我做错了 编辑 如果我将函数更改为如下所示: function ScrollToView(id) { var elmnt = document.getElementById(id); alert(elmnt); elmnt.scro




编辑 如果我将函数更改为如下所示:

function ScrollToView(id) 
    var elmnt = document.getElementById(id);
警报只是说:[object htmldevelment]



function ScrollToView()
    var elmnt = document.getElementById("whoweare");

$("#whoweare").click(function() {
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $("#whoweare").offset().top // You can change #whoweare to the id where you want to scroll to
    }, 2000);



function ScrollToView() {
    var elmnt = document.getElementById("whoweare");



没有对该功能的完全支持。。。也许这就是问题所在?elmnt.scrollIntoView-请不要使用false,只使用空括号。我刚刚在回答Hello时提供了我的建议。第一个是我已经做了很多次了,没有结果。第二个对我来说是新的。我将如何实现它?您在页面中使用jQuery吗?如果是,您可以将代码粘贴到html的底部进行测试。在关闭主体之前,添加一个脚本标记,并将代码放入其中,以便进行测试。以前从未使用过jQ。如何让我的a href调用此函数?好的,我也使用了它,但没有滚动发生。。。这可能与我使用最新的firefox有关吗?或bc所有内容都存储在本地?您的javascript控制台中是否有任何错误?检查您使用的浏览器是否支持该功能,正如@YAMM所建议的……同时请在Chrome和Mozilla上打开开发者工具F12,检查您的js代码中是否有问题中未显示的错误……在这个小提琴上,它看起来正在工作。。。可能您期望的行为与规范不同?
function ScrollToView()
    var elmnt = document.getElementById("whoweare");
$("#whoweare").click(function() {
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $("#whoweare").offset().top // You can change #whoweare to the id where you want to scroll to
    }, 2000);
function ScrollToView() {
    var elmnt = document.getElementById("whoweare");
<button>Click to Bottom</button>
<div align="center" class="box-2">
    <div align="center> 

                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +1 ">    
                        <h1>Who we are</h1>
                <div style=" padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px ">   
                    <table border=" 0 ">
                        <tr> <!--tablerow-->
                            <th width=400px>
                                <div align=" center ">    
                                        src=" ./img/me.png "
                            <td width=400px>
                                <div align=" justify ">   
                                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +2 " >   
                                        <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3> 
                                        <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br>
                                            He will be your primary contact during the planning and development processes.
                                            Julius has already finished about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being an Android & Unity developer.
                        </tr> <!--for padding-->
                            <tr height=20px/>

        <div align="center" class="box-2">
    <div align="center> 

                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +1 ">    
                        <h1>Who we are</h1>
                <div style=" padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px ">   
                    <table border=" 0 ">
                        <tr> <!--tablerow-->
                            <th width=400px>
                                <div align=" center ">    
                                        src=" ./img/me.png "
                            <td width=400px>
                                <div align=" justify ">   
                                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +2 " >   
                                        <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3> 
                                        <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br>
                                            He will be your primary contact during the planning and development processes.
                                            Julius has already finished about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being an Android & Unity developer.
                        </tr> <!--for padding-->
                            <tr height=20px/>

        <div align="center" class="box-2">
    <div align="center> 

                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +1 ">    
                        <h1>Who we are</h1>
                <div style=" padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px ">   
                    <table border=" 0 ">
                        <tr> <!--tablerow-->
                            <th width=400px>
                                <div align=" center ">    
                                        src=" ./img/me.png "
                            <td width=400px>
                                <div align=" justify ">   
                                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +2 " >   
                                        <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3> 
                                        <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br>
                                            He will be your primary contact during the planning and development processes.
                                            Julius has already finished about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being an Android & Unity developer.
                        </tr> <!--for padding-->
                            <tr height=20px/>


<div align="center" class="box-2">
    <div align="center> 

                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +1 ">    
                        <h1>Who we are</h1>
                <div style=" padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px ">   
                    <table border=" 0 ">
                        <tr> <!--tablerow-->
                            <th width=400px>
                                <div align=" center ">    
                                        src=" ./img/me.png "
                            <td width=400px>
                                <div align=" justify ">   
                                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +2 " >   
                                        <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3> 
                                        <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br>
                                            He will be your primary contact during the planning and development processes.
                                            Julius has already finished about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being an Android & Unity developer.
                        </tr> <!--for padding-->
                            <tr height=20px/>


<div id="whoweare" align=" center " class=" box-2 ">
<div align=" center>
        <font color="#534f4f" size="+1">
            <h1>Who we are</h1>
    <div style="padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px">
        <table border="0">
                <th width=400px>
                    <div align="center">
                        <img src="./img/me.png" width=60% </img> </div> </th> <td width=400px>
                        <div align="justify">
                            <font color="#534f4f" size="+2">
                                <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3>
                                <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br> He will be your primary
                                    contact during the planning and development processes. Julius has already finished
                                    about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being
                                    an Android & Unity developer.
            <!--for padding-->
            <tr height=20px />


    <div id="" align="center" class="box-2">
        <div align="center> 
                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +1 ">    
                        <h1>Who we are</h1>
                <div style=" padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px ">   
                    <table border=" 0 ">
                        <tr> <!--tablerow-->
                            <th width=400px>
                                <div align=" center ">    
                                        src=" ./img/me.png "
                            <td width=400px>
                                <div align=" justify ">   
                                    <font color=" #534f4f " size=" +2 " >   
                                        <h3>Julius Tolksdorf</h3>
                                        <p>CEO of innomotion media and head of software development.<br>
                                            He will be your primary contact during the planning and development processes.
                                            Julius has already finished about 20 apps & games & web pages and has years of experience being an Android & Unity developer.
                        </tr> <!--for padding-->
                            <tr height=20px/>


        <button>Click to Top</button>
      $("button").click(function() {
$('html, body').animate({
    scrollTop: $("#whoweare").offset().top - document.body.clientHeight + $(document).height()
}, 1000);