
Rss和Javascript,解析和显示提要,javascript,jquery,xml,rss,Javascript,Jquery,Xml,Rss,在本例中,我试图提取一个RSS提要,并将其显示在一些css设计的卡片中,有点像新闻提要,显示在我页面上的divcontainer元素中。我尝试了几个选项,如feednami、jFeed等,但都没有成功。为了更好地说明我的意思和我需要获取的信息,我在下面提供了一个代码示例,听起来似乎有一个非常简单的答案,但我还没有找到答案。我知道GoogleFeedsAPI以前在这方面是很好的,但现在已经被弃用了,这是否意味着我不应该使用它 // URL of feed to pull, and integer


// URL of feed to pull, and integer specifying how many items to pull from that feed
var feedURL = ;
var noOfItems = 20;

// In the 2D array of items we will store [0]Title, [1]Link, [2]Description/Text, [3]Source (this will be used in a later version to specify image
// in this iteration source will always be BBC so have hardcoded image) [4]Date (displayable format) [5]Date in milliseconds to be used in a later iteration
// [6]Image path (to be calculated from source, for now i have simply hardcoded the image path for the bbc logo, but eventualy will implement an array of
// feedURLs, and a switch statement to assign each source the correct logo)
var feedItems = new Array(noOfItems);
for (var i = 0; i < feedItems.length; i++) {
  x[i] = new Array(6);
// ----------------------- Pull Rss Feed -------------------------------------//
// Have no idea how to implement this now, have tried jFeed, and Feednami, could get neither to work
// looked into doing it myself but came across issues with javascript ecurity and the feed needing to be from the same url

//-------------------------- Creating Card on News Feed ---------------------//
// This feature could probably be made into a function? taking input of the variables below?
// Not entirely sure how best to implement this until i know how to pull the info from the xml feed
var itemtitle;
var itemlink;
var itemtext;
var itemimage = 'img/sources/bbc.png';
var itemdate;

var itemcard;   

itemcard = '<div id=card>';
itemcard += '<img src=';

itemcard += itemimage;

itemcard += ' id=cardimg>';
itemcard += '<a href=';

itemcard += itemlink;

itemcard += ' id=cardlink><h1 id=cardhead>';

itemcard += itemtitle;

itemcard += '</h1></a>';
itemcard += '<h4 id=cardinfo>';

itemcard += itemdate;

itemcard += '</h4>';
itemcard += '<p id=cardtext>';

itemcard += itemtext;

itemcard += '</p>';
itemcard += '</div>';

var feedURL=;
var noOfItems=20;
var feedItems=新阵列(noOfItems);

$(document).ready(function () {
        type: 'GET',
        url: '',
        crossDomain: true,
        dataType: "xml",
        success: function(data){

