
如何使用JavaScript根据季节更改CSS,javascript,css,html,dynamic,Javascript,Css,Html,Dynamic,如果这是一个简单的问题,我很抱歉,但我需要这方面的帮助。我正在尝试创建一个“动态”页面,它会随着每个季节(基于南半球季节)改变页面/站点的外观。我在CSS中设置了颜色、标题、图像和背景,希望在夏天、冬天、秋天和春天时进行更改,并为圣诞节和新年增加了一项功能。我已经包含了我页面中的内嵌JavaScript,以及与CSS相关的脚本。有人能帮忙吗,因为它不工作 <script> // JavaScript Document $(document).ready


        // JavaScript Document
        var d = new Date();
        var m = d.getMonth();
        var n = d.getDate();
        if ( m >= 3 && m <= 5 )
            // If date is between March and May inclusive, apply autumn theme to ‘body’
            document.body.className = "autumn";
        else if ( m >= 6 && m <= 8 )
            // If date is between June and August inclusive, apply winter theme to ‘body’
            document.body.className = "winter";
        else if ( m >= 9 && m <= 11 )
            // If date is between September and November inclusive, apply spring theme to ‘body’
            document.body.className = "spring";
        else if( m >= 12 && m <= 2 )
            // All other times apply the 'Summer' theme to 'body'
            document.body.className = "summer";

            if ( m = 12 && n >= 13 && n <= 27 )
                // If date is between 13/12 and 27/12 inclusive, apply Christmas theme to ‘body’
                document.body.className = "xmas";
            else if ( m = 12 && n >= 28 && n <= 31 )
                // If Date is between 28/12 and 31/12 New Year's theme to ‘body’
                document.body.className = "nye";
            else if ( m = 1 && n >= 1 && n <= 4 )
                // If Date is between 28/12 and 31/12 New Year's theme to ‘body’
                document.body.className = "nye";



if ( m >= 3 && m <= 5 )
    /* your code */
)else if(...)
    /* your code */

else if( m >= 12 && m <= 2 )



// Return the southern hemisphere season for a date
// If no date provided, uses current system date
function getSeason(d) {
  d = d || new Date();
  var mon = d.getMonth() + 1;  // Adjust to be indexed from 1
  var day = d.getDate();
  var seasons = ['summer','autumn','winter','spring'];

  // Do silly seasons here
  if (mon == 12) {
    if (day >= 13 && day <= 27) {
      return 'xmas';
    if (day >= 28 && day <= 31) {
      return 'nye';

  // If wasn't a silly season, do others
  mon = Math.floor((mon % 12) / 3);
  return seasons[mon];

console.log('Currently it is ' + getSeason()); // Currently it is summer

(m>=5&&m RobG-谢谢,但我有一个问题…它在IE8中不起作用。听起来很奇怪,我需要它在这个浏览器中工作。在IE10和Chrome中工作正常,但不是IE8。有什么建议吗?不确定“它”是什么是的,我已经在IE 6中测试了上述功能,它可以工作。它没有使用任何ES5功能,所以应该可以在IE/NN4之后的每个浏览器中工作。“它”是代码:)不过再次感谢。这是一个很大的帮助!我目前正在学习一门在线Web设计与开发课程,我想让它成为“动态的”随季节变化的页面/站点。季节并不总是从每月的第一天开始?@Kokodoko算法的一部分是OPs,我不一定同意它。:-)
if ( m >= 3 && m <= 5 )
    /* your code */
}else if(...)
    /* your code */
var m = d.getMonth() + 1;
else if( m >= 12 && m <= 2 )
else if( m >= 12 || m <= 2 )
// Return the southern hemisphere season for a date
// If no date provided, uses current system date
function getSeason(d) {
  d = d || new Date();
  var mon = d.getMonth() + 1;  // Adjust to be indexed from 1
  var day = d.getDate();
  var seasons = ['summer','autumn','winter','spring'];

  // Do silly seasons here
  if (mon == 12) {
    if (day >= 13 && day <= 27) {
      return 'xmas';
    if (day >= 28 && day <= 31) {
      return 'nye';

  // If wasn't a silly season, do others
  mon = Math.floor((mon % 12) / 3);
  return seasons[mon];

console.log('Currently it is ' + getSeason()); // Currently it is summer
  document.body.className = getSeason();