
使用javascript格式化日期,javascript,jquery,Javascript,Jquery,我现在有一个JS的小sinppet,它返回一个日期: function dateFormatter(date) { return date; } 返回: 2014年8月6日星期三14:43:58 GMT+0100(GMT标准时间) 如何调整该功能,使其显示类似:8月14日 我看到产出已经在8月完成了,但我想2014年至14日的日期需要做一些调整 提前感谢您应该尝试: 对于纯JS: function dateFormatter(date) { return date.toString()


function dateFormatter(date) {
  return date;

2014年8月6日星期三14:43:58 GMT+0100(GMT标准时间)






function dateFormatter(date) {
  return date.toString().split(' ')[1] + ' ' + date.getFullYear() % 100;


function dateFormatter(date) {
  return date.toString().split(' ')[1] + ' ' + date.getFullYear() % 100;


function dateFormatter(date) {
  return date.toString().split(' ')[1] + ' ' + date.getFullYear() % 100;


function dateFormatter(date) {
  return date.toString().split(' ')[1] + ' ' + date.getFullYear() % 100;


function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;

function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;


function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;

function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;


function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;

function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;


function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;

function formatDate(date) { //takes a Date object
    var monthArr = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec']; //creates array of month names
    var month = monthArr[date.getMonth()]; //selects array element equal to getMonth(), which ranges from 0-11
    var year = date.getFullYear()%100; //takes the full year (4 digits) mod 100, so the last two digits
    var dateString = month + ' ' + year;
    return dateString;
function formatDate2(str) { //takes a string
    var dateArr = str.split(' '); //creates array from string, splitting by spaces
    var dateString = dateArr[1] + ' ' + dateArr[3].slice(2,4); //gets element 1 (month) and the last two digits of of element 3 (year)
    return dateString;
