Javascript 这个代码有什么问题?我这样做对吗?

Javascript 这个代码有什么问题?我这样做对吗?,javascript,svg,raphael,Javascript,Svg,Raphael,好的,所以我对编程相当陌生。我已经学了很长一段时间的代码,但我并没有真正做任何事情。考虑到这一点,我正在尝试使用JavaScript制作我的第一个项目,并制作一个蛇游戏。不幸的是,我遇到了多个问题,这显然是与编程密切相关的,但我是新手,我被卡住了。有人能帮我弄清楚我是不是在用一种有效的方式编写代码吗。另外,我还有一个更具体的问题。我已经为我的蛇头添加了基本的运动功能,但是我不知道如何让它的其余部分跟随。如果有人能向我解释如何做到这一点,那将是难以置信的。我已经工作了大约两个星期来试图找出它,我只



Libraries in use:

1.  Rapheal
2.  jQuery


// This variable is set to an array so that we can add multiple snakeParts to our PrimarySnake.
var snakeParts = [],
// This variable uses Raphael to generate a canvas.
    snakeCanvas = Raphael(10, 10, 400, 400),
// This generates a rectangle that fills the canvas.
    snakeCanvasBg = snakeCanvas.rect(0,0,400,400),
// This variable is set to an array so that we can use each and every direction that is pressed.
    direction = [],
// This variable is set to an array so that we can use the turn coordinates of our first snake part.
    turnCoords = [];

// Generates and returns a random number between 0 and 400. This function is used to help generate the goal of our snake at a random location on the canvas.
function getRandNum () {
    var rand = Math.round(Math.random()*400);
    // This while loop ensures that our snakeGoal never exceeds the coordinates x = 390 or y = 390. If it did, it's parts would be cut from the canvas.
    while (rand > 395) {
        rand = Math.round(Math.random()*400);
    // This while loop ensures that our rand variabe will always be divisible by 10, which is used to make sure our snakeGoal and snakePart elements are always rendered in coordinates divisible by 10.
    while (rand % 10 !== 0) {
        var randString = rand.toString(),
            // This variable stores the whole length of our randString variable.
            randStringLength = randString.length,
            // This variable stores the last number of our rand as a string character.
            subtractionChar = randString.charAt(randStringLength - 1),
            // This variable stores the last number of our rand as a integer.
            subtractionInt = parseInt(subtractionChar),
            // Finally, this line subtracts the last number of our rand from the entirety and then sets that value equal to rand, ensuring that rand is always divisible by 10.
            rand = rand - subtractionInt;
    return rand;

// This function is called any time a button is pressed. The jQuery which method allows our code to compare if the key pressed is equal to the keyCode of a designated key.
    function (pressedDirection) {
        if (pressedDirection.which === 37) {
        } else if (pressedDirection.which === 38) {
        } else if (pressedDirection.which === 39) {
        } else if (pressedDirection.which === 40) {
        } else if (pressedDirection.which === 32) {

        if (pressedDirection.which === 37 || pressedDirection.which === 38 || pressedDirection.which === 39 || pressedDirection.which === 40 || pressedDirection.which === 32) {
            console.log(direction[direction.length - 1]);

        // This prevents our screen from scrolling when an arrow key is

function Snake () {
    // This method generates a new peice to the Snake.
    this.addPart = function () {
        snakeParts[snakeParts.length] = snakeCanvas.rect(0,0,10,10);
        snakeParts[snakeParts.length - 1].attr("fill", "blue");
        snakeParts[snakeParts.length - 1].attr("stroke-width", ".25");

    // This method provides the movement functionality of our Snake.
    this.moveDirection = function () {
        for (value in snakeParts) {
            var currentCoord = [snakeParts[value].attr("x"), snakeParts[value].attr("y")];
            // This if-else statement moves the snakePart at the -value- index up, down, left, or right according to the last direction pressed.
            if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "up") {
                snakeParts[value].attr("y", currentCoord[1] - 10);
            } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "down") {
                snakeParts[value].attr("y", currentCoord[1] + 10);
            } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "left") {
                snakeParts[value].attr("x", currentCoord[0] - 10);
            } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "right") {
                snakeParts[value].attr("x", currentCoord[0] + 10);


    // This function makes our moveDirection move our snakePeice every 50 milliseconds.
    this.movePeice = function () {
        var moveDirection = this.moveDirection;
        // clearInterval is used to eliminate any interval previously running, ensuring that our peices only move one direction at a time.
        this.moveInterval = setInterval(function(){moveDirection()}, 50);

    // This function adds an array of coordinates to the turnCoords array.
    this.addTurnCoords = function () {
        turnCoords.push([snakeParts[0].attr("x"), snakeParts[0].attr("y")]);

// This generates a new instance of our Snake class.
var PrimarySnake = new Snake();
// This generates a new part on the canvas.
// This fills our snakeCanvasBg with a grey color, giving us a grey background.
snakeCanvasBg.attr("fill", "#CDCDCD");



this.moveDirection = function () {
    // Move every piece except the head.
    for (var i = snakeParts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        snakeParts[i].attr("x", snakeParts[i-1].attr("x"));
        snakeParts[i].attr("y", snakeParts[i-1].attr("y"));

    // Now move the head.
    if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "up") {
        snakeParts[value].attr("y", currentCoord[1] - 10);
    } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "down") {
        snakeParts[value].attr("y", currentCoord[1] + 10);
    } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "left") {
        snakeParts[value].attr("x", currentCoord[0] - 10);
    } else if (direction[direction.length - 1] === "right") {
        snakeParts[value].attr("x", currentCoord[0] + 10);