
JavaScript正则表达式,javascript,regex,match,Javascript,Regex,Match,我有一个关于正则表达式的问题。我想用一个正则表达式在三个不同的州进行两场比赛。 这是我要在其中执行正则表达式的源代码 第一个示例: @@include('some string here', []) // This is the output I want: // First match: 'some string here' // Second match: '[]' @@include('some string here', {}) // This is the output I w

我有一个关于正则表达式的问题。我想用一个正则表达式在三个不同的州进行两场比赛。 这是我要在其中执行正则表达式的源代码


@@include('some string here', [])

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '[]'
 @@include('some string here', {})

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '{}'
@@include('some string here')

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'

@@include('some string here', [])

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '[]'
 @@include('some string here', {})

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '{}'
@@include('some string here')

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'

@@include('some string here', [])

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '[]'
 @@include('some string here', {})

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'
// Second match: '{}'
@@include('some string here')

// This is the output I want:
// First match: 'some string here'



var regex = /@@include\((\'.*?\')(?:,\s+(\[.*?\]|\{.*?\}))?\)/i;
// or, non greedy version:
// var regex = /@@include\((\'.*?\')(?:,\s+(\[.*\]|\{.*\}))?\)/i;

"@@include('some string here')".match(regex);
// ["@@include('some string here')", "'some string here'", undefined]

"@@include('some string here', {})".match(regex);
// ["@@include('some string here', {})", "'some string here'", "{}"]

"@@include('some string here', [])".match(regex);
// ["@@include('some string here', [])", "'some string here'", "[]"]


@@include('some string here',[])