Javascript nction(事件、用户界面){ //已选择项目,无需执行任何操作 if(ui.item){ 返回; } //搜索匹配项(不区分大小写) var value=this.input.val(), valueLowerCase=value.toLowerCase(), 有效=错误; this.element.children(“option”).each(function(){ if($(this).text().toLowerCase()==valueLowerCase){ this.selected=valid=true; 返回false; } }); //找到一根火柴,没什么可做的 如果(有效){ 返回; } //删除无效值 这是输入 .val(“”) .attr(“标题”,值+“不匹配任何项目”) .工具提示(“打开”); this.element.val(“”); 这是延迟(函数(){ this.input.tooltip(“close”).attr(“title”,”); }, 2500 ); this.input.autocomplete(“实例”).term=“”; }, _销毁:函数(){ this.wrapper.remove();; } }); })(jQuery); 下一个 选择问题 Q1 问题2 第三季度 第四季度 问题5 $(“#下拉列表”).combobox({ 选择:函数(事件,ui){ alert(ui.item.value);//每当我选择一个问题时,提供下拉框的值 } } ); 函数next(){ //我想启动一个功能,当我点击按钮时,将下拉框选择更改为下一个选择。 //我可以用一个简单的select语句来实现这一点,但在使用jQueryUI时不起作用。 //我发现有一把小提琴做了类似的事情,但我无法让它与ui一起工作。 }

Javascript nction(事件、用户界面){ //已选择项目,无需执行任何操作 if(ui.item){ 返回; } //搜索匹配项(不区分大小写) var value=this.input.val(), valueLowerCase=value.toLowerCase(), 有效=错误; this.element.children(“option”).each(function(){ if($(this).text().toLowerCase()==valueLowerCase){ this.selected=valid=true; 返回false; } }); //找到一根火柴,没什么可做的 如果(有效){ 返回; } //删除无效值 这是输入 .val(“”) .attr(“标题”,值+“不匹配任何项目”) .工具提示(“打开”); this.element.val(“”); 这是延迟(函数(){ this.input.tooltip(“close”).attr(“title”,”); }, 2500 ); this.input.autocomplete(“实例”).term=“”; }, _销毁:函数(){ this.wrapper.remove();; } }); })(jQuery); 下一个 选择问题 Q1 问题2 第三季度 第四季度 问题5 $(“#下拉列表”).combobox({ 选择:函数(事件,ui){ alert(ui.item.value);//每当我选择一个问题时,提供下拉框的值 } } ); 函数next(){ //我想启动一个功能,当我点击按钮时,将下拉框选择更改为下一个选择。 //我可以用一个简单的select语句来实现这一点,但在使用jQueryUI时不起作用。 //我发现有一把小提琴做了类似的事情,但我无法让它与ui一起工作。 },javascript,jquery,html,combobox,Javascript,Jquery,Html,Combobox,好的,经过多次搜索和反复尝试,我找到了自己的解决方案!拥有“下一步”按钮非常有用,尤其是当您的下拉组合框ui中有许多问题时。这可能不是最有效的解决方案,但却是一个足够好的解决方案 下面是下一个函数工作所需的代码: function next() { $('#dropdown').combobox("destroy");//first destroy the current JQuery combobox $("#dropdown option:selected").remov



 function next()

   $('#dropdown').combobox("destroy");//first destroy the current JQuery combobox

   $("#dropdown option:selected").removeAttr("selected"); //deselect the currently selected option

    document.getElementById("dropdown").selectedIndex = 3; //now that the JQuery combobox is destroyed and currently selected attribute is deselected, add a new attribute, in the underlying select statement. I have put this as a static value 'Q3' just as an example but this process can also be fully automated so that every time next is pressed it rolls over to the next question.

    $('#dropdown').combobox(); // Now recreate the nice JQuery combobox and call it.

//Finally, call the JQuery combobox select event, ui so that the user can select questions from the dropdown box as simply calling the combobox does not reactivate the ui select function.  
        select: function (event, ui) { 

          alert(ui.item.value);  //this will alert when a question is selected from the dropdown box again.



      alert(document.getElementById("dropdown").value); //this alerts to next button.

 function next()

   $('#dropdown').combobox("destroy");//first destroy the current JQuery combobox

   $("#dropdown option:selected").removeAttr("selected"); //deselect the currently selected option

    document.getElementById("dropdown").selectedIndex = 3; //now that the JQuery combobox is destroyed and currently selected attribute is deselected, add a new attribute, in the underlying select statement. I have put this as a static value 'Q3' just as an example but this process can also be fully automated so that every time next is pressed it rolls over to the next question.

    $('#dropdown').combobox(); // Now recreate the nice JQuery combobox and call it.

//Finally, call the JQuery combobox select event, ui so that the user can select questions from the dropdown box as simply calling the combobox does not reactivate the ui select function.  
        select: function (event, ui) { 

          alert(ui.item.value);  //this will alert when a question is selected from the dropdown box again.



      alert(document.getElementById("dropdown").value); //this alerts to next button.