AWS Cognito访问令牌Javascript

AWS Cognito访问令牌Javascript,javascript,amazon-web-services,access-token,amazon-cognito,aws-cognito,Javascript,Amazon Web Services,Access Token,Amazon Cognito,Aws Cognito,我正在使用与Alexa的帐户链接并获得accessToken。我正在使用AWS Cognito进行身份验证。我的假设是accessToken是AWS Cognito的标记——但是我如何使用它呢?我需要得到CognitoUser的信息。我见过使用Facebook SDK的例子,说Fb.setTokenaccessToken很简单,但我找不到Cognito的等价物。我错过了什么 这是我的身份验证流程,仅使用cognito,对我来说很好: var authenticationData = {

我正在使用与Alexa的帐户链接并获得accessToken。我正在使用AWS Cognito进行身份验证。我的假设是accessToken是AWS Cognito的标记——但是我如何使用它呢?我需要得到CognitoUser的信息。我见过使用Facebook SDK的例子,说Fb.setTokenaccessToken很简单,但我找不到Cognito的等价物。我错过了什么


  var authenticationData = {
    Username: document.getElementById("user").value,
    Password: document.getElementById("password").value

  var authenticationDetails = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);

  var poolData = {
    UserPoolId: AWSConfiguration.UserPoolId,
    ClientId: AWSConfiguration.ClientAppId

  userPool = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserPool(poolData);

  var userData = {
    Username: document.getElementById("user").value,
    Pool: userPool

  var cognitoUser = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser(userData);

  cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {

  // authenticate here

只需在Alexa skill Lambda函数中解码Cognito访问令牌


AWS Cognito用户池为身份验证机制生成id令牌和访问令牌。它们都是jwt令牌,id令牌具有用户名、电子邮件和姓氏等用户属性。您可以使用id或访问令牌对用户进行身份验证


我有点晚了,但您可以从URL获取AWS Cognito JSON Web Token JWT响应,并对其进行解码以获得如下用户数据:

$( document ).ready(function() {

    var pageURL = window.location.href;
    pageURL = pageURL.toString();

    // Gets url strings
    var paramIndex = pageURL.indexOf("#"); // When page is hosted on the web, use '?'
    if (paramIndex === -1) {
    // Gets url parameters from AWS Cognito response including the 'access token'
    var parameters = pageURL.substring(paramIndex + 1);

    console.log(" page url: " + pageURL);
    console.log(" url parameters: " + parameters);

    // Extracts the encoded tokens from url parameters
    var idToken = getParameter(parameters, "id_token=");
    var accessToken = getParameter(parameters, "access_token=");
    console.log("id token: " + idToken);
    console.log("access token: " + accessToken);

    // Decodes the tokens
    var idTokenDecoded = atob(idToken.split('.')[1]);
    var accessTokenDecoded = atob(accessToken.split('.')[1]);
    console.log("id token decoded: " + idTokenDecoded);
    console.log("access token decoded: " + accessTokenDecoded);

    // Converts string tokens to JSON
    var idTokenJson = JSON.parse(idTokenDecoded);
    var accessTokenJson = JSON.parse(accessTokenDecoded);

    // Can now access the fields as such using the JSON.parse()
    console.log("email: " +;
    console.log("id: " + idTokenJson.sub);

 * Takes the url parameters and extracts the field that matches the "param" 
 * input.
 * @param {type} url, contains URL parameters
 * @param {type} param, field to look for in url
 * @returns {unresolved} the param value.
function getParameter(url, param) {
    var urlVars = url.split('&');
    var returnValue;
    for (var i = 0; i < urlVars.length; i++) {
        var urlParam = urlVars[i];

        // get up to index.
        var index = urlParam.toString().indexOf("=");
        urlParam = urlParam.substring(0, index + 1);
        if (param === urlParam) {
            returnValue = urlVars[i].replace(param, "");
            i = urlVars.length; // exits for loop
    return returnValue;
