Javascript-getElementsByTagName-跳过第一个元素| Sharepoint 2019-目录

Javascript-getElementsByTagName-跳过第一个元素| Sharepoint 2019-目录,javascript,sharepoint,getelementsbytagname,tableofcontents,Javascript,Sharepoint,Getelementsbytagname,Tableofcontents,我找到了一个为sharepoint网站创建内容表的脚本。它工作正常,但在我们的sharepoint网站上,第一个标题(H1)是页面标题。所以我不得不跳过第一个标题(页面标题) 有人知道我必须编辑哪个部分才能满足我的需要吗?=) #总有机碳{ 填充:10px; /*在边框和TOC内容之间添加填充*/ 背景色:#f9f9f9; /*添加TOC的背景色*/ 最小宽度:200px; /*只添加这样的最小宽度,TOC可以扩展*/ 显示:内联块; 边框:1px实心#AAAAA; /*在TOC周围添加边框



    #总有机碳{ 填充:10px; /*在边框和TOC内容之间添加填充*/ 背景色:#f9f9f9; /*添加TOC的背景色*/ 最小宽度:200px; /*只添加这样的最小宽度,TOC可以扩展*/ 显示:内联块; 边框:1px实心#AAAAA; /*在TOC周围添加边框*/ 列表样式:无; /*删除默认样式列表*/ } #李国章{ /*如果需要在所有
  • */ } #sp toc li a{ 文字装饰:无; /*删除默认链接下划线*/ } #sp toc类别-toc-h1{ /*目前,脚本支持的第一个级别*/ } #sp toc类别-toc-h2{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:10px; } #sp toc类别-toc-h3{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:20px; } #sp toc类别-toc-h4{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:30px; } #sp总有机碳等级-toc-h5{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:40px; } #sp toc类别-toc-h6{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:50px; } /** *构建TOC的主要功能 */ 函数buildToc(){ /*初始化标题级计数器*/ var countH1=countH2=countH3=countH4=countH5=countH6=0; /** *doElement:由ID检索的TOC容器 */ var toc=document.getElementById(“sp toc”); /** *将章节插入TOC容器中 */ toc.innerHTML=nodesToc(); /** *TOC生成器 */ 函数nodesToc(){ /*从当前页面获取所有HTML标记*/ var obj=document.getElementsByTagName(“*”); var tagList=“H1;H2;H3;H4;H5;H6;”; var str=“”; /*在每个HTML标记上循环*/ 对于(变量i=0;i=0){ /*根据当前标题获取多级列表的编号*/ var lvl=getNumberLevel(obj[i].标记名); /*HTML模板*/ str+=“
  • ”; obj[i].id=“title-”+i; } } 返回str; } /** *根据标题级别获取CSS类 */ 函数getClassLvl(_标记名){ 返回“class-toc-h”+_标记名.replace(/h/ig,”); } /** *多级列表生成器 */ 函数getNumberLevel(_标记名){ 如果(_标记名==“H1”){ countH2=countH3=countH4=countH5=countH6=0; 返回++countH1; }else if(_标记名==“H2”){ countH3=countH4=countH5=countH6=0; 返回countH1++“+++countH2; }else if(_标记名==“H3”){ countH4=countH5=countH6=0;/*重置下一级编号*/ 返回countH1++“+countH2++”+++countH3; }else if(_标记名==“H4”){ countH5=countH6=0;/*重置下一级编号*/ 返回countH1+“+countH2+”+countH3+“+++countH4; }else if(_标记名==“H5”){ countH6=0;/*重置下一级编号*/ 返回countH1+“+countH2+”+countH3+“+countH4+”+++countH5; }else if(_标记名==“H6”){ 返回countH1+“+countH2+”+countH3+“+countH4+“+countH5+”+++countH6; } } } /*加载SP页后注册TOC函数*/ _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push(“buildToc”);



    for(var i=0;i





    The TOC Container.
    The most important thing to note is the ID.
    The ID is used by the CSS and the JavaScript code.
    <ul id="sp-toc"></ul>
    <style type="text/css">
        #sp-toc {
            padding: 10px;
            /* Add a padding between the border and the TOC content */
            background-color: #f9f9f9;
            /* Add a background color of the TOC */
            min-width: 200px;
            /* Add only a minimal width like that, the TOC can be extensible */
            display: inline-block;
            border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
            /* Add a border arround the TOC */
            list-style: none;
            /* Remove default style list */
        #sp-toc li {
            /* If you need to add custom style on all <li> */
        #sp-toc li a {
            text-decoration: none;
            /* Remove default link underline */
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h1 {
            /* currently, the first level supported by the script */
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h2 {
            /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
            padding-left: 10px;
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h3 {
            /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
            padding-left: 20px;
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h4 {
            /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
            padding-left: 30px;
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h5 {
            /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
            padding-left: 40px;
        #sp-toc .class-toc-h6 {
            /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
            padding-left: 50px;
    <script type="text/javascript">
         * The main function to build TOC
        function buildToc() {
            /* Init title level counters */
            var countH1 = countH2 = countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
             * DOMElement : the TOC container retrieved by ID
            var toc = document.getElementById("sp-toc");
             * Insert into TOC container the chapters
            toc.innerHTML = nodesToc();
             * TOC Builder
            function nodesToc() {
                /* Get all HTML tags from the current page */
                var obj = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
                var tagList = "H1;H2;H3;H4;H5;H6;";
                var str = "";
                var pageTitle = false;
                /* Loop on each HTML tag */
                for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
                    /* If tag is a title tag */
                    if (tagList.indexOf(obj[i].tagName + ";") >= 0) {
                        if ('H1' == obj[i].tagName && !pageTitle) {
                            pageTitle = true;
                        } else {
                            /* Get the number of the multilevel list in accordance with the current title */
                            var lvl = getNumberLevel(obj[i].tagName);
                            /* HTML template */
                            str += "<li class='" + getClassLvl(obj[i].tagName) + "'><a href='#title-" + i + "'>" + lvl + " " + obj[i].innerHTML + "</a></li>";
                            obj[i].id = "title-" + i;
                return str;
             * Get CSS class in accordance with the title level
            function getClassLvl(_tagName) {
                return "class-toc-h" + _tagName.replace(/h/ig, '');
             * Multilevel list generator
            function getNumberLevel(_tagName) {
                if (_tagName === "H1") {
                    countH2 = countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
                    return ++countH1;
                } else if (_tagName === "H2") {
                    countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
                    return countH1 + "." + ++countH2;
                } else if (_tagName === "H3") {
                    countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                    return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + ++countH3;
                } else if (_tagName === "H4") {
                    countH5 = countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                    return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + ++countH4;
                } else if (_tagName === "H5") {
                    countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                    return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + countH4 + "." + ++countH5;
                } else if (_tagName === "H6") {
                    return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + countH4 + "." + countH5 + "." + ++countH6;
        /* Register TOC function after SP page is loaded */
      #总有机碳{ 填充:10px; /*在边框和TOC内容之间添加填充*/ 背景色:#f9f9f9; /*添加TOC的背景色*/ 最小宽度:200px; /*只添加这样的最小宽度,TOC可以扩展*/ 显示:内联块; 边框:1px实心#AAAAA; /*在TOC周围添加边框*/ 列表样式:无; /*删除默认样式列表*/ } #李国章{ /*如果需要在所有
    • */ } #sp toc li a{ 文字装饰:无; /*删除默认链接下划线*/ } #sp toc类别-toc-h1{ /*目前,脚本支持的第一个级别*/ } #sp toc类别-toc-h2{ /*添加比上一个缩进更大的缩进*/ 左侧填充:10px; } #sp-
      The TOC Container.
      The most important thing to note is the ID.
      The ID is used by the CSS and the JavaScript code.
      <ul id="sp-toc"></ul>
      <style type="text/css">
          #sp-toc {
              padding: 10px;
              /* Add a padding between the border and the TOC content */
              background-color: #f9f9f9;
              /* Add a background color of the TOC */
              min-width: 200px;
              /* Add only a minimal width like that, the TOC can be extensible */
              display: inline-block;
              border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
              /* Add a border arround the TOC */
              list-style: none;
              /* Remove default style list */
          #sp-toc li {
              /* If you need to add custom style on all <li> */
          #sp-toc li a {
              text-decoration: none;
              /* Remove default link underline */
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h1 {
              /* currently, the first level supported by the script */
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h2 {
              /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
              padding-left: 10px;
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h3 {
              /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
              padding-left: 20px;
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h4 {
              /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
              padding-left: 30px;
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h5 {
              /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
              padding-left: 40px;
          #sp-toc .class-toc-h6 {
              /* Add a indentation greatter than the previous one */
              padding-left: 50px;
      <script type="text/javascript">
           * The main function to build TOC
          function buildToc() {
              /* Init title level counters */
              var countH1 = countH2 = countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
               * DOMElement : the TOC container retrieved by ID
              var toc = document.getElementById("sp-toc");
               * Insert into TOC container the chapters
              toc.innerHTML = nodesToc();
               * TOC Builder
              function nodesToc() {
                  /* Get all HTML tags from the current page */
                  var obj = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
                  var tagList = "H1;H2;H3;H4;H5;H6;";
                  var str = "";
                  var pageTitle = false;
                  /* Loop on each HTML tag */
                  for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
                      /* If tag is a title tag */
                      if (tagList.indexOf(obj[i].tagName + ";") >= 0) {
                          if ('H1' == obj[i].tagName && !pageTitle) {
                              pageTitle = true;
                          } else {
                              /* Get the number of the multilevel list in accordance with the current title */
                              var lvl = getNumberLevel(obj[i].tagName);
                              /* HTML template */
                              str += "<li class='" + getClassLvl(obj[i].tagName) + "'><a href='#title-" + i + "'>" + lvl + " " + obj[i].innerHTML + "</a></li>";
                              obj[i].id = "title-" + i;
                  return str;
               * Get CSS class in accordance with the title level
              function getClassLvl(_tagName) {
                  return "class-toc-h" + _tagName.replace(/h/ig, '');
               * Multilevel list generator
              function getNumberLevel(_tagName) {
                  if (_tagName === "H1") {
                      countH2 = countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
                      return ++countH1;
                  } else if (_tagName === "H2") {
                      countH3 = countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0;
                      return countH1 + "." + ++countH2;
                  } else if (_tagName === "H3") {
                      countH4 = countH5 = countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                      return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + ++countH3;
                  } else if (_tagName === "H4") {
                      countH5 = countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                      return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + ++countH4;
                  } else if (_tagName === "H5") {
                      countH6 = 0; /* Reset next level number */
                      return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + countH4 + "." + ++countH5;
                  } else if (_tagName === "H6") {
                      return countH1 + "." + countH2 + "." + countH3 + "." + countH4 + "." + countH5 + "." + ++countH6;
          /* Register TOC function after SP page is loaded */