Javascript Angular.js<;输入类型=";日期“&燃气轮机;更改提交值的格式

Javascript Angular.js<;输入类型=";日期“&燃气轮机;更改提交值的格式,javascript,angularjs,angularjs-directive,angular-ui-bootstrap,Javascript,Angularjs,Angularjs Directive,Angular Ui Bootstrap,上面的代码在url上推送startDate和endDate值,但我的问题是提交的值类似于2014-12-01,我希望我的格式是01-05-2014 有什么建议吗?好吧,输入日期会给你一个到达目的地的日期。如果您希望格式化日期,您可能需要这样一个函数: $scope.getStatistics = function(startDate, endDate) { $http.get('/admin/api/stats?start=' + startDate + '&end=' + en




$scope.getStatistics = function(startDate, endDate) {
    $http.get('/admin/api/stats?start=' + startDate + '&end=' + endDate).success(function(data) {
        $scope.stats = data;
我将+1添加到月份中,因为getMonth返回一个介于0和11之间的数字。 片(-2)用于前导0。


function formatDate(isoDateString)
  var newDate = new Date(isoDateString);
  return ('0' + newDate.getDate()).slice(-2)+"-"+('0' + (newDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)+"-"+newDate.getFullYear();




var filterdatetime = $filter('date')( $ );


angular.module("demo.directives", [])
  .directive('date', ['$filter', '$timeout', function($filter, $timeout) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      require: '?^ngModel',
      link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModel) {
        var format = $attrs.dateFormat || 'short', // default date format
             validityName = 'date'; // change the name to whatever you want to use to check errors

        // called by the directive to render the first time, and also on events when the value is changed 
        var formatter = function() {
            var date =  ngModel.$modelValue ? 
              $filter('date')(ngModel.$modelValue, format) : 


         // parse the value when it is being set from the view to the model
         ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function(value) {
            //  you may wish to use a more advanced date parsing module for better results
            var date = new Date(value);

            if (isNaN(date)) { 
              // invalid date, flag invalid and return undefined so we don't set the model value
              ngModel.$setValidity(validityName, false);
              return undefined;

            // clear invalid flag
            ngModel.$setValidity(validityName, true);

            return date;

         // used by ngModel to display to render the directive initially; we'll just reformat
         ngModel.$render = formatter;

         var handle;

         // trigger the formatter on paste
         $element.on('paste cut', function() {
           if (handle) $timeout.cancel(handle);
           handle = $timeout(formatter, 0); // needs to break out of the current context to work
         // you can axe this whole event if you don't like the reformat after a pause
         $element.on('keydown', function() {
           if (handle) $timeout.cancel(handle);
           handle = $timeout(formatter, 750);
         // trigger the formatter on blur
         $element.on('blur change', formatter);

var filterdatetime = $filter('date')( $ );
angular.module("demo.directives", [])
  .directive('date', ['$filter', '$timeout', function($filter, $timeout) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      require: '?^ngModel',
      link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModel) {
        var format = $attrs.dateFormat || 'short', // default date format
             validityName = 'date'; // change the name to whatever you want to use to check errors

        // called by the directive to render the first time, and also on events when the value is changed 
        var formatter = function() {
            var date =  ngModel.$modelValue ? 
              $filter('date')(ngModel.$modelValue, format) : 


         // parse the value when it is being set from the view to the model
         ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function(value) {
            //  you may wish to use a more advanced date parsing module for better results
            var date = new Date(value);

            if (isNaN(date)) { 
              // invalid date, flag invalid and return undefined so we don't set the model value
              ngModel.$setValidity(validityName, false);
              return undefined;

            // clear invalid flag
            ngModel.$setValidity(validityName, true);

            return date;

         // used by ngModel to display to render the directive initially; we'll just reformat
         ngModel.$render = formatter;

         var handle;

         // trigger the formatter on paste
         $element.on('paste cut', function() {
           if (handle) $timeout.cancel(handle);
           handle = $timeout(formatter, 0); // needs to break out of the current context to work
         // you can axe this whole event if you don't like the reformat after a pause
         $element.on('keydown', function() {
           if (handle) $timeout.cancel(handle);
           handle = $timeout(formatter, 750);
         // trigger the formatter on blur
         $element.on('blur change', formatter);
 <input type="text" date date-format="short" ng-model="myDateValue" />