Javascript 如何在docker中使用mariadb部署ghost?

Javascript 如何在docker中使用mariadb部署ghost?,javascript,node.js,docker,Javascript,Node.js,Docker,这是我做的docker文件 version: '3.1' services: ghost: image: ghost:latest container_name: ghost restart: always ports: - 2368:2368 environment: # see


version: '3.1'

      image: ghost:latest
      container_name: ghost
      restart: always
      - 2368:2368
      # see
        database__client: mysql
        database__connection__host: db
        database__connection__user: ghost
        database__connection__password: password
        database__connection__database: ghost
      - ghostdb

      image: mariadb:latest
      container_name: ghostdb
      restart: always
        MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password
        MYSQL_USER: ghost
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: password
        MYSQL_DATABASE: ghost

         name: webproxy
我试图创建与docker,但每当我这样做,部署一切正常,但它不工作。当我调试docker时,我可以看到mysql没有连接到ghost docker

2019-02-23T07:38:05.127234468Z NAME: DatabaseError
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127253008Z CODE: ENOTFOUND
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127258325Z MESSAGE: Invalid database host.
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127266883Z level:normal
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127275440Z "Please double check your database config."
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127279900Z DatabaseError: Invalid database host.
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127284257Z     at DatabaseError.KnexMigrateError (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/knex-migrator/lib/errors.js:7:26)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127289754Z     at new DatabaseError (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/knex-migrator/lib/errors.js:56:26)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127296828Z     at connection.raw.catch (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/knex-migrator/lib/database.js:33:23)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127301045Z     at tryCatcher (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/util.js:16:23)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127305373Z     at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:512:31)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127309660Z     at Promise._settlePromise (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:569:18)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127313973Z     at Promise._settlePromise0 (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:614:10)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127318430Z     at Promise._settlePromises (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/promise.js:690:18)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127334535Z     at _drainQueueStep (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:138:12)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127338612Z     at _drainQueue (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:131:9)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127342467Z     at Async._drainQueues (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:147:5)
2019-02-23T07:38:05.127346359Z     at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/var/lib/ghost/versions/2.15.0/node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js:17:14)



database__connection__host: ghostdb
此外,您仍然可以使用弃用的。对我有用。我使用docker compose版本1.22.0

   - ghostdb:db
ghost仍然在启动时出现错误。因为需要时间来开始。 您可以使用中的一些建议,在mariadb准备就绪之前避免重启动。或者创建一些命令


ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:52] INFO Creating table: posts 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:52] INFO Creating table: users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: posts_authors 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: roles 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: roles_users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: permissions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_roles 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_apps 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: settings 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: tags 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: posts_tags 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: apps 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: app_settings 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: app_fields 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: clients 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: client_trusted_domains 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: accesstokens 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:57] INFO Creating table: refreshtokens 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: subscribers 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: invites 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: brute 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: webhooks 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: sessions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: integrations 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: api_keys 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: mobiledoc_revisions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: members 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: actions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Tag 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Client 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Role 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Permission 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:00] INFO Model: User 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Model: Post 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Model: Integration 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: Role to Permission 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: Post to Tag 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: User to Role 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:02] WARN Theme's file locales/en.json not found. 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ghost is running in production... 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Your blog is now available on http://localhost:2368/ 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ghost boot 11.672s 



database__connection__host: ghostdb
此外,您仍然可以使用弃用的。对我有用。我使用docker compose版本1.22.0

   - ghostdb:db
ghost仍然在启动时出现错误。因为需要时间来开始。 您可以使用中的一些建议,在mariadb准备就绪之前避免重启动。或者创建一些命令


ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:52] INFO Creating table: posts 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:52] INFO Creating table: users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: posts_authors 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: roles 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: roles_users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:53] INFO Creating table: permissions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_users 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_roles 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: permissions_apps 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: settings 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:54] INFO Creating table: tags 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: posts_tags 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: apps 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:55] INFO Creating table: app_settings 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: app_fields 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: clients 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: client_trusted_domains 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:56] INFO Creating table: accesstokens 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:57] INFO Creating table: refreshtokens 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: subscribers 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: invites 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: brute 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: webhooks 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: sessions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:58] INFO Creating table: integrations 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: api_keys 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: mobiledoc_revisions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: members 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Creating table: actions 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Tag 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Client 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Role 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:08:59] INFO Model: Permission 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:00] INFO Model: User 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Model: Post 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Model: Integration 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: Role to Permission 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: Post to Tag 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:01] INFO Relation: User to Role 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:02] WARN Theme's file locales/en.json not found. 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ghost is running in production... 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Your blog is now available on http://localhost:2368/ 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down 
ghost      | [2019-02-23 11:09:03] INFO Ghost boot 11.672s 

