JavaScript严重错误…将数组传递到Charts.js时出现语法错误(MVC 5)

JavaScript严重错误…将数组传递到Charts.js时出现语法错误(MVC 5),javascript,c#,,chart.js,Javascript,C#, Mvc 5,Chart.js,编辑:我修复了它。像这样把那两个麻烦点包起来 @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(datapoints)) @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(datapoints)) 它开始完美地工作。我会把这个留给别人去发现 另外,向Reddit和StackOverflow致敬,因为它们使用了相同的格式,所以我可以在两者之间进行复制和粘贴 原创帖子 我正在努力实现Charts.js,以便以更可读的格式提供一些信息。我非常确信,我已经根据我遵循的一组教程和文档正确地设置了所有内容,而且因为







JavaScript critical error at line 173, column 49 in https://localhost:44300/Machines/Details/10080\n\nSCRIPT1002: Syntax error


...<div class="right">
    @foreach (string s in ViewBag.SevenNightList)
        @Html.Raw((String)s) <br>
    * - Data not recieved for this day

<canvas id="myChart" width="800" height="400"></canvas>
        PFCTrackingAndTelemetry.SmallClass.ChartDetails thisChart = (PFCTrackingAndTelemetry.SmallClass.ChartDetails)ViewBag.ChartData;
        List<PFCTrackingAndTelemetry.SmallClass.DataDay> dataDayList = thisChart.pNightsDatapoints;
        dataDayList.Reverse(); //right order for the top-down list, wrong order for a chart
        decimal[] datapoints = new decimal[dataDayList.Count];
        string[] endDay = new string[dataDayList.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < dataDayList.Count; i++)
            datapoints[i] = dataDayList.ElementAt(i).LNRT;
            endDay[i] = dataDayList.ElementAt(i).EndTime.ToShortDateString();

        var datapointArray = **@datapoints;**
        var context = $("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");

        var data =
        labels: **@endDay**,

            label: "Run Time",
            fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0,2)",
            strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            pointColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
            pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
            pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            data: datapointArray







labels: ["a", "b", "c"]  
public class ChartDetails
    //p prefix = period based, m prefix = data from machine
    public List<DataDay> pNightsDatapoints;
    public List<string> pNightsList;
    public decimal pNightsAccumulation;
    public decimal pNightlyAverage;
    public decimal mNightlyTarget;
    public decimal mNightlyWarning;
    public Machine m;

    public ChartDetails(Machine machine, int period)
        m = machine;
        if(period < 1) { period = 1; } //none of that /by0 nonsense in here
        mNightlyTarget = (decimal)m.Customer.Cust_Target;
        mNightlyWarning = (decimal)m.Customer.Cust_Threshold;
        compileNightsForPeriod(m, period); //sets pNightsList and pNightsDatapoints for the specified machine and period
        pNightsAccumulation = pNightsDatapoints.Sum(r => r.LNRT); //total run time over the period
        pNightlyAverage = pNightsDatapoints.Average(r => r.LNRT); //per night avg over the period
    private void compileNightsForPeriod(Machine m, int period)
        List<string> sNightsList = new List<string>();
        List<DataDay> dNightsList = new List<DataDay>();
        List<DataDay> DDays = new List<DataDay>();
        DateTime t = DateTime.Today;
        DateTime initial = new DateTime(t.Year, t.Month, t.Day, 12, 0, 0); //date of report at noon
        int daysWithRecords = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < (period+1); i++) //creates a list of "days" (8am to 8am)
            DataDay d = new DataDay();
            d.EndTime = initial.AddDays(-i);
            d.StartTime = initial.AddDays(-(i + 1));
        foreach (DataDay d in DDays) //sets hours to days that have records
            MachineData a = (MachineData)m.MachineData.Where(x => x.MD_Occurence < d.EndTime && x.MD_Occurence > d.StartTime).LastOrDefault();
            if (a != null) //if a record exists within the "day"
                d.maxHM1 = (decimal)m.MachineData.Where(x => x.MD_Occurence < d.EndTime && x.MD_Occurence > d.StartTime).Last().MD_HM1;
                d.HadRecord = true;
                d.HadRecord = false;

        if (daysWithRecords == 0)
            foreach (DataDay d in DDays)
                d.maxHM1 = (decimal)m.Mach_HM1;
                d.LNRT = 0;
            if (!DDays.ElementAt(period).HadRecord) //if the last element (not part of the week but used as a book end) doesn't have a record, assign it the record of the last piece of data we got before that day
                MachineData a = m.MachineData.Where(x => x.MD_Occurence > DDays.ElementAt(period).StartTime).First();
                DDays.ElementAt(period).HadRecord = true;
                DDays.ElementAt(period).maxHM1 = (decimal)a.MD_HM1;
                DDays.ElementAt(period).EndTime = a.MD_Occurence;

            for (int i = 0; i < (period+1); i++) //cycle through the list of days. 
                if (!DDays.ElementAt(i).HadRecord) //If it has a record, it gets skipped.If it doesn't...
                    bool keepGoing = true;
                    int z = 1;
                    while (keepGoing) //...loop through the elements preceding the null record. Set the hours equal to the prior day (going back an extra day until we find a record, or hit the bookend record)
                        if (DDays.ElementAt(i + z).HadRecord) //if the "prior" day (starts as 1 day back, but grows until it finds a record) has a record
                            DDays.ElementAt(i).maxHM1 = DDays.ElementAt(i + z).maxHM1; //set this record equal to the "prior" record found with data
                            keepGoing = false;
                        else //if yesterday, like today, doesn't have a record, go back a day further


            //at this point, every record in the list should be !null

        for (int i = 0; i < period; i++)//set LNRT (Last Night Run Time) to todays HM - yesterdays HM
            DDays.ElementAt(i).LNRT = DDays.ElementAt(i).maxHM1 - DDays.ElementAt(i + 1).maxHM1;
        foreach (DataDay d in DDays)
            if (d.HadRecord)
                sNightsList.Add("Run Time for " + d.StartTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + d.StartTime.ToShortTimeString() + " to " + d.EndTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + d.EndTime.ToShortTimeString() + ": " + d.LNRT.ToString() + " hours.");
            else //same as above, but adds the astrik to denote missing data
                sNightsList.Add("Run Time for " + d.StartTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + d.StartTime.ToShortTimeString() + " to " + d.EndTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + d.EndTime.ToShortTimeString() + ": " + d.LNRT.ToString() + " hours.*");

        pNightsList = sNightsList;
        pNightsDatapoints = dNightsList;
public class DataDay
    public bool HadRecord { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
    public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
    public decimal maxHM1 { get; set; }
    public decimal LNRT { get; set; }

    MachineController(MC) sets endtime (static - 8am on day in question)
    MC sets starttime (static - 8am on day prior to starttime)
