
从AngularJS到Javascript的事件,javascript,angularjs,events,Javascript,Angularjs,Events,如何从AngularJS广播事件,并在基本JS脚本中侦听此事件。多谢各位 <body data-ng-app="AngularApp"> <script> //my custom native JS Script //normal Javscript function , can be called within AngularJS normally function someJsFunction(){ console.lo


<body data-ng-app="AngularApp">

    //my custom native JS Script 

    //normal Javscript function , can be called within AngularJS normally
    function someJsFunction(){
      console.log('this is some JS function');

    // some Event handling and listentning to be fired wihtin AngularJS
    function Event(sender) {
        this._sender = sender;
        this._listeners = [];

    Event.prototype = {
        attach: function (listener) {
        notify: function (args) {
            var index;

            for (index = 0; index < this._listeners.length; index += 1) {
                this._listeners[index](this._sender, args);

    //Event Handling Usage 
    var myCutstomEvent = new Event(this);

    myCutstomEvent.attach( function() {
      console.log('myCustomEvent Handler');

  <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <input type="button" ng-click="clickBtn()" value="clickme"/>

。。。 控制台将显示以下内容:

 buttonClicked in Controller
 this is someService
 this is some JS function
 myCustomEvent Handler


我们需要一些代码。您想做什么?避免使用带有angularJS的Jquery专门用于编辑连接到带有angularJS的套接字的DOMI,我有一些带有basic JS的应用程序。所以当套接字出现时,我需要从js代码调用函数。
 buttonClicked in Controller
 this is someService
 this is some JS function
 myCustomEvent Handler