Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/loops/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
如何将NEXTGEN gallery描述放入到jquery插件的描述中,或者替代社交工具_Jquery_Loops_Prettyphoto_Nextgen Gallery - Fatal编程技术网

如何将NEXTGEN gallery描述放入到jquery插件的描述中,或者替代社交工具

如何将NEXTGEN gallery描述放入到jquery插件的描述中,或者替代社交工具,jquery,loops,prettyphoto,nextgen-gallery,Jquery,Loops,Prettyphoto,Nextgen Gallery,进展如何?所以我有这个问题,我想不出来 我使用Wordpress,那里有一个NextGen gallery,最新的日期是2012-01-11,PrettyTo jquery插件也是最新的日期是2012-01-11,这两个插件都工作得很好,但我需要在使用PrettyTo插件打开的每个图像下面看到每个NextGen gallery的描述 $gallery保存了我们需要的所有东西,但它位于NextGen文件夹中,我不知道如何将其取出,除了编写mysql SELECT并从数据库中取出所有内容之外,我也不


我使用Wordpress,那里有一个NextGen gallery,最新的日期是2012-01-11,PrettyTo jquery插件也是最新的日期是2012-01-11,这两个插件都工作得很好,但我需要在使用PrettyTo插件打开的每个图像下面看到每个NextGen gallery的描述

$gallery保存了我们需要的所有东西,但它位于NextGen文件夹中,我不知道如何将其取出,除了编写mysql SELECT并从数据库中取出所有内容之外,我也不知道如何在这里进行适当的循环



<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
            animation_speed: 'fast', /* fast/slow/normal */
            slideshow: 5000, /* false OR interval time in ms */
            autoplay_slideshow: false, /* true/false */
            opacity: 0.80, /* Value between 0 and 1 */
            show_title: true, /* true/false */
            allow_resize: true, /* Resize the photos bigger than viewport. true/false */
            default_width: 500,
            default_height: 344,
            counter_separator_label: '/', /* The separator for the gallery counter 1 "of" 2 */
            theme: 'pp_default', /* light_rounded / dark_rounded / light_square / dark_square / facebook */
            horizontal_padding: 20, /* The padding on each side of the picture */
            hideflash: false, /* Hides all the flash object on a page, set to TRUE if flash appears over prettyPhoto */
            wmode: 'opaque', /* Set the flash wmode attribute */
            autoplay: true, /* Automatically start videos: True/False */
            modal: false, /* If set to true, only the close button will close the window */
            deeplinking: true, /* Allow prettyPhoto to update the url to enable deeplinking. */
            overlay_gallery: true, /* If set to true, a gallery will overlay the fullscreen image on mouse over */
            keyboard_shortcuts: true, /* Set to false if you open forms inside prettyPhoto */
            changepicturecallback: function(){}, /* Called everytime an item is shown/changed */
            callback: function(){}, /* Called when prettyPhoto is closed */
            ie6_fallback: true,
            markup: '<div class="pp_pic_holder"> \
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                                            <a class="pp_next" href="#">next</a> \
                                            <a class="pp_previous" href="#">previous</a> \
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                                        <div class="pp_details"> \
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                                                <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \
                                                <p class="currentTextHolder">0/0</p> \
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                                            </div> \
                                            <p class="pp_description"></p> \
                                            {pp_social} \
                                            <a class="pp_close" href="#">Close</a> \
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                        <div class="pp_bottom"> \
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                    </div> \
                    <div class="pp_overlay"></div>',
            gallery_markup: '<div class="pp_gallery"> \
                                <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \
                                <div> \
                                    <ul> \
                                        {gallery} \
                                    </ul> \
                                </div> \
                                <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_next">Next</a> \
            image_markup: '<img id="fullResImage" src="{path}" />',
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            iframe_markup: '<iframe src ="{path}" width="{width}" height="{height}" frameborder="no"></iframe>',
            inline_markup: '<div class="pp_inline">{content}</div>',
            custom_markup: '',
            social_tools: '<div class="pp_social"><div class="need_gallery_desc_here" style="color:black"><?php echo 'need_gallery_desc_here' ?></div></div>'

social_tools: '<div class="pp_social"><div class="need_gallery_desc_here" style="color:black"><?php echo 'need_gallery_desc_here' ?></div></div>'




<ul class="gallery clearfix">
<li><a href="images/fullscreen/1.JPG?lol=lol" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="You can add caption to pictures. You can add caption to pictures. You can add caption to pictures."><img src="images/thumbnails/t_1.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="Red round shape" /></a>

<a href="" rel="fotos[galeria]" data-desc="Description">Examinar en Mapa</a>
pp_descriptions = (isSet) ? jQuery.map(matchedObjects, function(n, i){   if($(n).attr(settings.hook).indexOf(theRel) != -1) return ($(n).attr('data-desc')) ? $(n).attr('data-desc') : ""; }) : $.makeArray($(this).attr('data-desc'));