Jquery 如果选中了“单选框”,则取消选中复选框,反之亦然?

Jquery 如果选中了“单选框”,则取消选中复选框,反之亦然?,jquery,html,Jquery,Html,我有以下两种形式: <div class="pricing-details pricing-details-downloads"> <h4>Single purchase (60 lessons)</h4> <h4>Bulk Purchase: Lesson</h4> <div class="pricing-details-separator"></div> <form


  <div class="pricing-details pricing-details-downloads">
    <h4>Single purchase (60 lessons)</h4>
    <h4>Bulk Purchase: Lesson</h4>
    <div class="pricing-details-separator"></div>
    <form action="">
      <input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike">Lesson Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span><br>
      <input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike">Lesson PDFs / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span><br>
      <input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Bike">Review Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span><br>
    <form class="pricing-last-form" action="">
      <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male"><strong>Single Level Download $49.95:</strong> Choose a single level (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for that level, plus 30 days of online access ($80 value). Email us your level choice after purchase.<br>
      <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male"><strong>3 Level Download $99.95:</strong> Choose any 3 levels (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for those levels, plus 60 days of online access ($190 value). Email us your level choices after purchase.<br>
      <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male"><strong>All Access Package $199.9:</strong> Receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for all 7 levels, plus 90 days of online access ($300 value).<br>




    if($('input[type=radio]:checked').length > 0)

    if($('input[type=checkbox]:checked').length > 0)
$('[name="sex"]').on('change', function(){ // if your jquery version doesn't support on then use .change
      $('[name="vehicle"]').prop('checked', false);
$('[name="vehicle"]').on('change', function(){
      $('[name="sex"]').prop('checked', false);


$('[name="sex"], [name="vehicle"]').on('change', function(){ //or target ':checkbox, :radio'
    var other = this.name =="vehicle" ? "sex" : "vehicle";
     $('[name='+other + ']').prop('checked', false);



<form action="">
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Lesson Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Lesson PDFs / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Review Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
        <form class="pricing-last-form" action="">
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>Single Level Download $49.95:</strong> Choose a single level (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for that level, plus 30 days of online access ($80 value). Email us your level choice after purchase.
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>3 Level Download $99.95:</strong> Choose any 3 levels (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for those levels, plus 60 days of online access ($190 value). Email us your level choices after purchase.
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>All Access Package $199.9:</strong> Receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for all 7 levels, plus 90 days of online access ($300 value).

<form action="">
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Lesson Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Lesson PDFs / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
            <input type="checkbox" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'sex')" name="vehicle" value="Bike"/>Review Audio / <span class="pricing-box-price">$19.95 USD</span>
        <form class="pricing-last-form" action="">
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>Single Level Download $49.95:</strong> Choose a single level (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for that level, plus 30 days of online access ($80 value). Email us your level choice after purchase.
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>3 Level Download $99.95:</strong> Choose any 3 levels (1 to 7) and receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for those levels, plus 60 days of online access ($190 value). Email us your level choices after purchase.
            <input type="radio" onclick="Uncheck(this, 'vehicle')" name="sex" value="male"/><strong>All Access Package $199.9:</strong> Receive access to all lessons, PDFs and review audio for all 7 levels, plus 90 days of online access ($300 value).
        if (obj.type == 'checkbox') {
            $('input:radio[name=' + name + ']').each(function () {

                $(this).attr('checked', false);

        } else if (obj.type == 'radio') {
            $('input:checkbox[name=' + name + ']').each(function () {

                $(this).attr('checked', false);