
获取嵌套json主干集合后,我的模型在哪里,json,backbone.js,nested,fetch,backbone.js-collections,Json,Backbone.js,Nested,Fetch,Backbone.js Collections,Total Backbone js noob,我试图了解我正在使用的返回json的api是否不适合主干(或者不适合任何东西),或者我只是不知道集合和模型在主干中如何工作 我知道集合的fetch正确地返回了json,这可能就是我处理响应的方式。令人困惑的是,我真的不知道正确获取的集合想要什么,以及获取后模型存储在哪里。看起来我想要的模型是作为对象存储在集合的模型属性中的。。。是这样吗 另外,我想作为第二个问题,我的集合似乎或多或少没有解析每个模型,而是只创建了一个包含我的模型集合的模型。我不知道该

Total Backbone js noob,我试图了解我正在使用的返回json的api是否不适合主干(或者不适合任何东西),或者我只是不知道集合和模型在主干中如何工作







    var statusGroup = new app.StatusCollection();

    var deferred = statusGroup.fetch({
        data: {
            action: "get_my_status_collection"

    /* wait till fetch is complete */

        console.log('returned collection', statusGroup);

        var statusGroupView = new app.allStatusView({ collection: statusGroup});


        var statusRouter = new app.Router();




d {length: 1, models: (...), _byId: Object, url: (...), trigger: function…}
    [object Object]: undefined
    get [object Object]: function () {
    set [object Object]: function (newval) {
    __backboneDebugger__appComponentInfo: window.__backboneAgent.AppComponentInfo
    __backboneDebugger__isInstancePatched: true
    _byId: Object
    initialize: function () {
    length: 1
    models: Array[1]
    0: d
        __backboneDebugger__appComponentInfo: window.__backboneAgent.AppComponentInfo
        __backboneDebugger__isInstancePatched: true
        _changing: false
        _events: Object
        _pending: false
        _previousAttributes: Object
        attributes: Object
            2: Object
                comment: ""
                description: ""
                name: "Tech Portal"
                parent: "0"
                status: "3"
            get 2: function () {
            set 2: function (newval) {
            80: Object
                comment: ""
                description: "Exchange Calendar"
                name: "Calendar"
                parent: "0"
                status: "2"
            get 80: function () {
            set 80: function (newval) {
            220: Object
                comment: ""
                description: ""
                name: "Solution Services"
                parent: "0"
                status: "3"
            get 220: function () {
            set 220: function (newval) {
            watchers: Object
            __proto__: Object
        get attributes: function () {
        set attributes: function (newval) {
        changed: Object
        cid: (...)
        get cid: function () {
        set cid: function (newval) {
        collection: (...)
        get collection: function () {
        set collection: function (newval) {
        id: (...)
        get id: function () {
        set id: function (newval) {
        initialize: (...)
        sync: function (){return b.sync.apply(this,arguments)}
        trigger: function (a){if(!this._events)return this;var b=g.call(arguments,1);if(!j(this,"trigger",a,b))return this;var c=this._events[a],d=this._events.all;return c&&k(c,b),d&&k(d,arguments),this}
        urlRoot: (...)
        get urlRoot: function () {
        set urlRoot: function (newval) {
        watchers: Object
        __proto__: f
    get 0: function () {
    set 0: function (newval) {
    length: 1
    pop: function () {
    push: function () {
    reverse: function () {
    shift: function () {
    slice: function () {
    sort: function () {
    unshift: function () {
    watchers: Object
    __proto__: Array[0]
get models: function () {
set models: function (newval) {
sync: function (){return b.sync.apply(this,arguments)}
trigger: function (a){if(!this._events)return this;var b=g.call(arguments,1);if(!j(this,"trigger",a,b))return this;var c=this._events[a],d=this._events.all;return c&&k(c,b),d&&k(d,arguments),this}
url: (...)
get url: function () {
set url: function (newval) {
watchers: Object
__proto__: f

// allStatus.js

var app = app || {};

// A group (array) of Status models
app.StatusCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    model: app.singleStatus,
    url: "/remote/api/status_json",
    parse: function(response){

        //return only the nested objects that will be our models
        return response.component.objects;



// allStatusView.js

var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
var app = app || {};

app.allStatusView = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "ul",

    render: function() {

        this.collection.each(this.addStatus, this);
        return this;

    addStatus: function(status) {

        var statusView = new app.singleStatusView({ model: status });


// singleStatusView.js

var $ = jQuery.noConflict();
var app = app || {};

app.singleStatusView = Backbone.View.extend({

    tagName: "li",
    className: "service-status",

    template: _.template( $("#statusElement").html() ),

    render: function() {

        var statusTemplate = this.template(this.model.toJSON());
        return this;


app.StatusCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    model: app.singleStatus,
    url: "/remote/api/status_json",
    parse: function (response){

        var obj = response.component.objects;

        // add the additional properties that won't be in your "models"
        // to the collection object directly if you want them

        this.status = response.component.status;
        this.count = response.component.count;

        // convert the "objects" object to an array and return
        // the resulting array

        return _.map(obj, function (value, key) {
          return obj[key];


app.StatusCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    model: app.singleStatus,
    url: "/remote/api/status_json",
    parse: function (response){

        var obj = response.component.objects;

        // add the additional properties that won't be in your "models"
        // to the collection object directly if you want them

        this.status = response.component.status;
        this.count = response.component.count;

        // convert the "objects" object to an array and return
        // the resulting array

        return _.map(obj, function (value, key) {
          return obj[key];