Linux 通过Cygwin安装Gearman时出现库文件问题

Linux 通过Cygwin安装Gearman时出现库文件问题,linux,cygwin,gearman,Linux,Cygwin,Gearman,我一直在通过Cygwin终端在我的Win7机器上安装Gearman作业服务器。我已经成功地提取了gearman-1.1.12的tar文件。现在我必须运行./configure来构建新的makefile。但是它说 * CPP Flags: -fvisibility=hidden * LIBS: * LDFLAGS Flags: * Assertions enabled: no * Debug enabled:


   * CPP Flags:                  -fvisibility=hidden
   * LIBS:
   * LDFLAGS Flags:
   * Assertions enabled:        no
   * Debug enabled:             no
   * Warnings as failure:       no
   * Building with libsqlite3   yes
   * Building with libdrizzle   yes
   * Building with libmemcached not found
   * Building with libpq        yes
   * Building with tokyocabinet no
   * Building with libmysql     yes
   * SSL enabled:               no
   * cyassl found:              no
   * openssl found:             yes
   * make -j:                   2
   * VCS checkout:              no
   * sphinx-build:              :


/usr/bin/grep: /usr/lib/ No such file or directory
/usr/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/ No such file or directory
libtool: link: `/usr/lib/' is not a valid libtool archive
Makefile:3707: recipe for target 'libgearman/' failed
make[1]: *** [libgearman/] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/gearmand-1.1.12'
Makefile:3050: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2


@ArsalanSherwani,然后你需要在网上搜索那些丢失的工具并安装它们,就像你为Gearman所做的那样。可能有Cygwin软件包,只需签入Cygwin安装程序,或使用apt cyg即可。您还可以检查包的。但是,当您遇到错误时,请搜索确切的错误,并在来到这里之前尝试自己修复它。让我们看看你自己做了些什么。从您的问题来看,在提问之前,您似乎没有在研究或解决问题上付出任何努力。@steven您是否在cygwin安装期间安装了其他LIB,如Tokyocaute、cyassl、libmemcached,或者单独安装了它们?因为我在安装过程中没有找到它们。我试图分别下载它们,但在安装过程中,它显示为
Package cyassl未找到或名称不明确,在每个包上退出
tar xf master.tar.gz yacp-master/gearmand
cd yacp-master/gearmand
cygport gearmand-1.1.12-1bl2.cygport download all