Loops 在另一个类中查找方法时找不到符号错误

Loops 在另一个类中查找方法时找不到符号错误,loops,Loops,我的代码有问题 我的任务是让我的代码滚动这两个骰子,我做了1000次,每次这两个骰子的总和是7,然后我计数到递增1。直到循环停止在1000。这是我的密码。我正在尝试从类PairOfDice访问getTotalFaceValue的方法 问题是什么,它与循环有什么关系?第一个问题是我试图访问PairOfDice.getTotalFaceValue;在主方法中,但由于某种原因,我一直得到一个错误。我试着做PairOfDice var=newpairofdice;但这不起作用,第二个问题是,在我访问ge



问题是什么,它与循环有什么关系?第一个问题是我试图访问PairOfDice.getTotalFaceValue;在主方法中,但由于某种原因,我一直得到一个错误。我试着做PairOfDice var=newpairofdice;但这不起作用,第二个问题是,在我访问getTotalFaceValue方法之后,我需要做一个循环,每个循环的和是7,我将使count var增加1。。顺便说一句,我所有的程序都在同一个文件中,用适当的编程语言标记它
//  Die.java       Author: Lewis/Loftus
//  Solution to Programming Project 5.11
//  Represents one die (singular of dice) with faces showing values
//  between 1 and the number of faces on the die.

public class Die
   private final int MAX = 6;  // maximum face value

   private int faceValue;  // current value showing on the die

   //  Constructor: sets the initial face value.
   public Die()
      faceValue = 1;

   //  Rolls the die and returns the result.
   public int roll()
      faceValue = (int) (Math.random() * MAX) + 1;

      return faceValue;

   //  Face value mutator.
   public void setFaceValue(int value)
      faceValue = value;

   //  Face value accessor.
   public int getFaceValue()
      return faceValue;

   //  Returns a string representation of this die.
   public String toString()
      String result = Integer.toString(faceValue);

      return result;
//  PairOfDice.java       Author: Lewis/Loftus
//  Solution to Programming Project 4.9 and 5.11

public class PairOfDice
   public Die die1, die2;

   //  Creates two six-sided Die objects, both with an initial
   //  face value of one.
   public PairOfDice()
      die1 = new Die();
      die2 = new Die();

   //  Rolls both dice and returns the combined result.
   public int roll()
      return die1.roll() + die2.roll();

   //  Returns the current combined dice total.
   public int getTotalFaceValue()
      return die1.getFaceValue() + die2.getFaceValue();

   //  Returns the current value of the first die.
   public int getDie1FaceValue()
      return die1.getFaceValue();

   //  Returns the current value of the second die.
   public int getDie2FaceValue()
      return die2.getFaceValue();

   //  Returns the string representation of this pair of dice.
   public String toString()
      return "Die 1: " + die1.getFaceValue() + "   Die 2: " +
public class ChidoriDiceRoller 
       public static void main(String [] args)
          for(int i = 1;i<=1000 ; i++)
               PairOfDice.getTotalFaceValue();//System.out.print(i + " \n");