Macos 使用osascript脚本打开终端并运行npm命令

Macos 使用osascript脚本打开终端并运行npm命令,macos,unix,npm,Macos,Unix,Npm,我不太喜欢max unix命令 我想做的是打开两个不同的终端,并在每个终端中运行npm echo "Starting typescript build in new terminal.." osascript -e 'npm run build' sleep 3 echo "Starting firebase functions...." osascript -e 'firebase emulators:start --only function

我不太喜欢max unix命令


echo "Starting typescript build in new terminal.."

osascript -e  'npm run build'

sleep 3

echo "Starting firebase functions...."

osascript -e 'firebase emulators:start --only functions'

echo "Process compelete.. Check if there were two terminals window open"

Starting typescript build in new terminal..
8:13: syntax error: Expected “given”, “with”, “without”, other parameter name, etc. but found identifier. (-2741)
Starting firebase functions....
0:18: syntax error: A identifier can’t go after this identifier. (-2740)
Process compelete.. Check if there were two terminals window open

osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd && npm run build"' &
osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd && firebase emulators:start --only functions"' &
