Ms access 将代码应用于多个控制字段

Ms access 将代码应用于多个控制字段,ms-access,Ms Access,我正在使用下面的代码来更改组合框和标签的属性。我还有40个组合框和标签(combo2、combo3、combo4………)。有没有一种方法可以重复使用代码,而不是复制代码并手动更改每个组合框和标签的名称 If (Combo1 = 1) Then DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "255" DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "POOR" ElseIf (Com


If (Combo1 = 1) Then
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "255"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "POOR"
ElseIf (Combo1 = 2) Then
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "2895086"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "FAIR"
ElseIf (Combo1 = 3) Then
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "35584"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "GOOD"
ElseIf (Combo1 = 4) Then
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "52480"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "VERY GOOD"
ElseIf (Combo1 = 5) Then
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "64636"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, "EXCELLENT"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Combo1", acPropertyBackColor, "16579836"
    DoCmd.SetProperty "Label1", acPropertyCaption, ","
End If


Public Sub SetupProperties(combo1 As Integer, ChangeComboBox As Access.ComboBox, ChangeLabel As Access.Label)

Dim longBackColour As Long
Dim stringCaption As String
' set up  background colour and caption
If (combo1 = 1) Then
    longBackColour = 255
    stringCaption = "POOR"
ElseIf (combo1 = 2) Then
    longBackColour = 2895086
    stringCaption = "FAIR"
ElseIf (combo1 = 3) Then ' and so on...

End If
' Change properties of the controls
ChangeComboBox.BackColor = longBackColour
ChangeLabel.Caption = stringCaption


Dim combo1 As Integer
combo1 = 1
Dim integerCounter As Integer
For integerCounter = 1 To 40
    SetupProperties combo1, Me.Controls("Combo" & Trim(CStr(integerCounter))), Me.Controls("Label" & Trim(CStr(integerCounter)))